Those Bible Study Guys Are So VERY RUDE

Those Bible Study Guys …

… are so VERY RUDE.  But… read more.

But. There might be some hope for those Bible Study Guys.

Our Neighborhood Is a Friendly Neighborhood

Welcome to our neighborhood on Panera Bread Boulevard in Florida. This is a real neighborhood. I’m at Panera Bread observing my “laptop-with-a-coffee”  neighborhood and friends on a typical Tuesday morning.

it's a friendly neighborhood
it’s a friendly neighborhood

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Meet My Friends in the Neighborhood

It is 7:00 a.m. on this beautiful Florida morning. I arrived at 6:05 a.m.  to write my blogposts, and I have already greeted and been greeted by:

  • Jim – the pleasant regional sales manager – who has daily morning and afternoon meetings with his sales guys
  • John – the general manager of this Panera Bread neighborhood – always greeting guests and spending some time with the Panera Bread neighborhood “regulars” like me
  • Joe and his two super coder geeks – all three are website developers for a major Fortune 100 Firm – and they always speak geek in short HTML phrases and are very helpful to the non geek neighbors
  • My real estate broker friend waiting for his newest clients
  • My pediatrician friend who enjoys his morning coffee at his favorite spot with his iPad and a book
  • Juan always greets me – a Panera employee who works hard on the drive-through food prep line
  • The maintenance guy – Jonathan – who comes straight to the Panera neighborhood from his night job at the Orlando International Airport
  • The smiling lady who is a employee for a consulting company in Missouri called Tim Miles and Company. We became acquainted because she was reading a book from one of my favorite authors – Gary Vaynerchuk – Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook .

A Pleasant Morning in the Neighborhood

And I have exchanged morning pleasantries with at least four other regular customers and friends in our “laptop-with-a-coffee” neighborhood.

It is really a pleasant and friendly work environment.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Conspicuously Distant and Seemingly Rude

That’s why those Bible Study Guys are such an anomaly – so obviously distant, and they are such an awkward non-fit in our happy little neighborhood. This is really a modern day “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.”

These Bible Study Guys are setting to the left of me and less than ten feet away from me; and I do NOT know ONE person’s name. They are “regulars.” They meet at 7:00 a.m. every Tuesday morning and sit in the same place.

those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Why Waste My Time with This Group?

The only time they have ever responded to me is when I tried to initiate conversation one morning.

After that failed attempt, why would I want to invest any more energy in them when the rest of the neighbor is so friendly ?

Distinct Brand Image

you create your own distinct brand image
you create your own distinct brand image

I wonder if they are aware that they have created a DISTINCT BRAND IMAGE for all Bible Study Guys – a brand that is unfriendly and distant in a very friendly neighborhood.

The rudeness of these Bible Study Guys is a direct reflection on the BRAND IMAGE and brand equity of the “Business of JESUS.” These Bible Study Guys are Brand Partners of the “Business of JESUS.” They are the only Brand Partners of Jesus that some people will ever see.

So how do they impact the brand of JESUS ?

If I had to judge the brand of the “Business of Jesus” solely by these Bible Study Guys, I would say they have a distant and rude brand culture.

And the product they represent – Jesus – must also be distant and rude. 

What’s the Point of my Rant?

The point: be keenly aware of your brand identity and that you have an impact on your brand (your company or whatever you represent) by what you DO and by what you DO NOT DO.

You may the only brand of your product that someone sees. 

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Not a Neutral Brand Image

those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE

Your actions create a brand that is either ATTRACTIVE (I want to be part of your group) or UNATTRACTIVE (I don’t want to be a part of your group).

And you seldom create a NEUTRAL brand image.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

What Brand Do You Represent ?

You may NOT always get to choose the brand that you represent.

What Is Your Brand Image ?

you choose your own brand image
you choose your own brand image

But you DO get to CHOOSE your BRAND IMAGE.

How’s your brand image ?

People are ALWAYS watching.

Bible Study Guys Represent a Quality Brand

The Bible Study Guys have chosen to represent a quality brand.

I believe that these Bible Study Guys believe in their brand, but they are UNAWARE that they are the early morning BRAND PARTNERS of the “Business of Jesus” in their neighborhood.

And they have created a negative Brand Image for their product.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

As Brand Partners …

… they are (and we are) highly  visible and always being judged.

How is your Brand Image looking ?

You have chosen your brand.

Now. Choose your brand image wisely.

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those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE