3 Things Your Son Needs from his Father

3 Things Your Son Needs from his Father

…and if he doesn’t get them from you ?

…he WILL get them somewhere else.

  • from his friends.
  • or from his electronic media.
  • from YouTube, internet, movies.
  • or from reality shows. That’s scary.

Your son needs these things from his father

Your son needs these 3 things from his father.

Here they are — 3 things your son …

… needs from his father.

  1. Your son nEEds to sEE you lead.
  2. Your son nEEds to sEE how you fail.
  3. Your son nEEds to sEE you love his mother.

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(1) – Your son needs to see you lead.

Your son needs to see you lead - by example - from the front.
Your son needs to SEE YOU LEAD – by example – from the front.

Real leaders are servants. Servants lead by serving others.

Hey, you might act like the boss at work. And you might not.

But you still need to be the leader of your family. And your son needs to see REAL leadership in your home.

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If he doesn’t learn from you, he will learn leadership somewhere else from somebody else.

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Not Taught but Caught

Leadership is NOT TAUGHT from the couch or by just long, boring talks.

Leadership is CAUGHT by example.

When your son sees leadership by serving, by example, by leading from the front; he will be better equipped to to understand leadership.

Dad, your son will become a better leader of his peers instead of being easliy manipulated by crowd mentality.

And your son will be a more effective follower when needed.

Real leaders know how to follow when necessary.

As he matures, your son will become a better leader at school, at church, at work and in his community. That is, if …

… if his father teaches leadership by example.

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(2) – Your son needs to see you fail

…and how you fail, not just how you succeed.

Things your son needs - Your son needs to see you fail and how you recover from failure.
Your son needs to SEE YOU FAIL and how you RECOVER from failure.

EVERYBODY has practiced their “end zone victory dance.” Even if only in their minds.  But NOT EVERYBODY knows how to process a “failure.”

That is, process a failure as a learning event.

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Overcoming Failure

Your son needs to practice how to overcome failure. Life will hand your son many more failures than successes.

If you are a professional baseball player and your batting average is 300, our world considers you successful and pays you well. This means you have only succeeded 3 times out of 10 “at bats.”

And you have failed 7 times out of 10.

Life hands us many more failures than successes.

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Your son needs to learn how to process – and succeed – from his failures.

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Learn from Failures

Teach your son how to learn from his failures. By your example.

Your son needs to learn from you about failure. How to recover. How to re-evaluate and try again. Try again. But differently.

He needs to learn how to “re-frame his failures as learning experiences.” By seeing you learn from a perceived failure.

By your example, your son will learn how to make mistakes. He will learn, “It is OK to make mistakes.

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the son who is NOT afraid

Your son needs to learn from his father how…

  • to take on challenges that are beyond his skill set.
  • to stretch himself without the fear of failure.
  • to try new things for the sake of trying new things – without having an invisible score card that will record every attempt as a failed attempt.
Things your son needs - A son WHO IS NOT AFRAID of new challenges will become a MAN who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges.
“The son WHO IS NOT AFRAID of new challenges will become the MAN who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges.” – America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa

A son who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges will become a man who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges. And will learn how to learn from his own mistakes. Not every event in life has a “pass-fail” metric attached to it.

“A SON who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges will become a MAN who is NOT AFRAID of new challenges.” – America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa

Some things in life are worth trying just for the fun of trying.

Without the fear of “failing.”

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(3) – Your son needs to SEE you love his mother.

This is critical. Your son may have no other examples of real love in his life.

Your son needs to see you love his mother.

This will teach him how to treat all the women in his life. 

Things your son needs - Your son needs to see you love his mother
Your son needs to see you love his mother. This will teach him how to treat all the women in his life. 

Your son needs to SEE LOVE in action. 

Love in action EVERY day.

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I mean like love like 1 Corinthians 13  even if you don’t believe in the Bible. It is still the best definition (bar none) of love I have EVER heard.

  • Love is patient.
  • Love is kind.
  • Love does not envy.
  • Love does not boast.
  • Love is not proud.
  • Love is not easily angered.
  • Love keeps no record of wrongs.
  • Love always protects,
  • always trusts,
  • always hopes, and
  • always perseveres.  (NIV – New International Version)

“And real love doesn’t sit on the couch watching ESPN while his mom prepares supper.”– (Grandpa’s Version)

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Leadership in ALL Areas

Your son needs to SEE this kinda love from his father. 

The man who really loves your son’s mother wears an apron in the kitchen and washes dishes after supper WITH his children.

Loving your son’s mother means taking a leadership role in all areas of the home.

Remember, leaders lead from the front and by example. Not from the couch.

Your son needs to see this kinda REAL love from his father. 

What your son sees in you is teaching him how to treat all the women that he will meet in his life.

“Every moment his father has with his mother is a teaching moment for your son.” – America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa

While you are loving your son’s mother, he is learning how to treat his future wife. And is establishing a foundation for all future love relationships –  children, siblings, grandparents.

By your example, your son is learning how to have healthy relationships with co-workers and employees.

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Things your son needs - Your son needs to see his father lead, fail, and love his mother.

These are the 3 things your son nEEds

… from his father. He NEEDS to see …

(1) – needs to SEE you LEAD,

(2) – needs to SEE how you FAIL, and 

(3) – needs to SEE you to LOVE his mother.

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You get to choose.

It’s your move, dad !!!

Will your son get what he needs from you ?

Or from his friends and all of his electronic media – internet, YouTube, videos and movies ? And those unreal reality shows.

You get to choose.

It’s your move, dad !!!

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moms and dads

last chance to connect 

fun things to do for kids this summer

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frEEd – chapter 3 – jim

frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me…

frEEd ? chapter 3 – jim

excerpts from “frEEd ?”

by penelope waFFle

frEEd ? New York Times Best Seller

frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me. 

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Oh, Martha. I’m so very, very soRRy. 

I woke up to needles…

…pricking at my flesh. As I struggled to get out of the hedge’s prickly grasp, I spotted — out of the corner of my eyes — a tiny house. And I knew what a tiny house was because my owner had one.

There were no lights on.

So I assumed nobody was there. Looking left and then right. Slowly. To make sure no one was there, I quietly approached the tiny house.

The door was already open, though, by just a crack. I opened the door wider and carefully peered inside. On a small table sat a plate with a modest smidgen of salted pork and roasted potatoes on it.

I had already run away. So what was the point in not eating the food? Besides, I was famished.

*    *    *    *    *    *

The first bite of the fOOd…

…was scrumptious and filled my mouth with delight. The flavor exploded in my mouth. I had never eaten anything so delicious.

All I ever had to eat…

…was a little cornmeal, lard, and greens. I chewed slowly, savoring the roasted potatoes. Soon — way too soon — I finished the fOOd. I felt way more full than I had ever been.

“If only Martha was here,” I heard myself think. Outloud.

Martha. I suddenly stood up straight. Alarmed.

Where was Martha?

Is she okay?

Did she manage to escape?

Or is she still with her owner?

All the happiness I had abruptly vanished.

Instead, when I realized what might have happened to Martha, I began to sob.

“Oh, Martha, I’m so sorry. I’m so very, very sorry,” I wept.

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frEEd – but not reaLLy frEE – read chapter 2 – martha

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Hi, my real name is …

… Vivaka. I like my real name. But my pen name is penelope waFFle. ‘Cuz I like waFFles. And I reaLLy like puTTing double caps in the miDDle of words. And I like pink.  

And my grandpa says…

I am the “next big thing” to hit the history thriller book market. Hey, why not ? I’m writing about one chapter per month.

I’m 11 years old.

My name is penelope waFFle, and I’m gonna be a New York Times Best Selling Author by age 12.

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You’re Paying Too Much to Have Your Taxes Prepared

You’re paying TOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared.

Watch this 10 second video to see how easy it is to do your own taxes.

YES, you ARE paying tOO much!!!

Let me tell you a true story about a friend of mine. And her taxes.

Well, this friend of mine from Panera Bread — a real person who chooses to remain un-named — told me about an attempt…

My friend visited her potential tax preparer with JUST THREE simple pieces of tax information:

  • her Social Security Income (Form SSA-1099),
  • her Pension Income, and
  • interest earned from her bank (Form 1099 INT).

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You're paying tOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared
you’re paying tOO much to have your taxes prepared

After inputting her information, her tax preparer informed her that the cost to prepare and file her federal tax return was: $274.00

Yikes !!! The cost was $274.00 for inputting …

  • JUST
  • PIECES of
  • income information
  • PLUS her name, address and social security number.

This tax preparer works for a reputable firm…

BUT the services rendered DO NOT JUSTIFY the preparation cost of $274.00 ! For inputting information from just three (3) tax forms.

This incident is sad, very sad.

And is repeated thousands of times every day.

This happens all across our nation.

This is common practice at the Big Box stores who prepare income taxes.

Unfortunately, the tax preparer does not have any flexibility regrading the fee. And each piece of financial information may generate multiple tax forms. And each form costs you an additional fee.

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I used to be a PTIN tax preparer – you should do your own taxes

My moment of truth: I used to be one of these registered tax return preparers with a PTIN. I wanted to help people prepare their tax returns and to earn some extra income during the tax season.

Until, after months of training, I actually started preparing some tax returns. I didn’t last very long. (Maybe I completed eight or so tax returns. But I felt like I was scamming uninformed people.)

The last tax return that I completed, the young lady saw her tax return and the fee for services and asked me, “What should I do?”

I asked her, “Do you own a computer?”

“Of course,” she replied.

Then I whispered to her, “Go home. Download an online tax prep program. I prefer TurboTax. And do your own tax return. It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Do your taxes yourself. Save yourself several hundred dollars.”

I just couldn’t lie. Of course, I resigned that day. Because I could not promote something that I would not use myself. Nor could I recommend this paid tax preparation service to my friends who had basic computer skills. Not at those fees.

I was just not offering enough value to justify those tax preparation fees. I was just putting numbers in a computer program. That my customers could do themselves.

Especially when a person has other reasonable choices. 

I remember a different time.

When I was younger, my parents had a business and used a paid tax preparer which was necessary and appropriate during that time with no access to computers and tax software.

Our family had no other reasonable choice but to use a paid tax preparer. But today is much, much different.

You have several different choices to download online tax preparation software. And to do your own taxes.

Unless your financial and tax situation is complicated, you should do your own taxes. It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Not anymore.

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Back to my friend at Panera Bread… 

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it doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes – just the right software 

Back to my friend’s story at Panera Bread. And her $274.00 tax preparation fee.

I explained this to her.

“The tax preparing firms charge a fee for EACH tax form that is generated. Remember, EACH PIECE of your tax information may create SEVERAL DIFFERENT tax forms. Then their tax software generates the total tax prep fee automatically.

So the average tax payer is at the mercy of the tax firm and the fees that their tax software generates.”

That’s why you see so many articles like – 3 Reasons Why You Should NOT File Your Taxes at Walmart.

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You’re paying TOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared.

There is a simple solution.

There is a MUCH BETTER way. Which is…

If you can put simple data into a computer,

you should do your own taxes

It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes.

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you're paying too much to have your taxes prepared
ya know – you’re paying too much to have your taxes prepared

Here’s ALL that you need:

Watch this 10 second video to see how easy it is.

You are paying too much to have your taxes prepared.

Not anymore. Click here.

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Or save $20 here.

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Filing Your Income Taxes

Get this job done so that you can be doing the really important things in life like:

loving and laughing

with the ones who matter most 

fun things to do with your kids

file your taxes today because

you have more important things to do

play is the BEST learning tool. EVER

so that you can love and laugh

with the ones who matter most

fun things for kids to do

you do have more important things to do

fun things for kids to do

like climb a BIG SCARY TREE

with your son

This is Lucas climbing a BIG SCARY tree.

love and laugh

with the ones who matter most

because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late

focus on the important things

Have a meSSy Christmas. Just say NO to Pinterest-Perfect.

with the ones who maTTer most 

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Back to…

Filing Your Income Taxes

Start now. Get started today.

Right here. Right nowClick here.

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3 Reasons Why You Should NOT File Your Taxes at Walmart

You Should NOT File

Your Taxes at Walmart

Here are three reasons why you should NOT file your taxes at Walmart.

You deserve …

you should not file your taxes at walmart
3 reasons why you should NOT file your taxes at Walmart

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Legal Note: Know this about Walmart tax preparation! All of the tax preparers at Walmart are TRAINED to do their jobs, and each tax preparer has her PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) and is registered with the IRS.

That is NOT WHY – you SHOULD NOT file your taxes at Walmart.

There are other MORE IMPORTANT and personal reasons.

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It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes.

Here are 3 reasons why you should file your own taxes. And NOT file your taxes at Walmart.

You deserve …

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you deserve more PRIVACY

1.) You deserve MORE PRIVACY…

… in preparing your taxes. Yes. You can TRUST the tax preparers at Walmart to keep your information confidential. I’m NOT talking about professional confidentiality.

I am talking about PRIVACY. Not having other people invade your “private space” while you are discussing something as IMPORTANT and PERSONAL as your PRIVATE finances and taxes.

I do NOT want to prepare my taxes in the cubicle atmosphere at Walmart.

It feels like taking a shower in public. 

I want the PRIVACY of my home or someone’s office WITH A CLOSED DOOR on that office. So that my spouse and I are discussing our finances in PRIVATE.

You deserve to do you own taxes in the privacy of your home.

It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Not anymore.

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so you don’t miss ANYthing

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you deserve more CONVENIENCE

2.) You deserve more CONVENIENCE…

… in preparing your taxes. Well, you say that Walmart is convenient for you to have your taxes prepared. But can you start and stop this process at your convenience while sitting with a tax preparer at Walmart ? No, you can’t.

You still need to gather ALL of your documents BEFORE visiting with this tax preparer. And, hopefully, this entire tax preparation process is completed BEFORE your spouse is done shopping.

Otherwise, your spouse and your children are WAITING while you complete this process. Not very convenient at all.

And you know how that will work for you. Good luck with IMPATIENT children WAITING after an hour of shopping at Walmart. You deserve MORE CONVENIENCE.

You can do your own taxes. In the convenience of your home.

It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Click here to see.

Do your own taxes. And do it on your schedule. At your convenience. Click here to see how convenient it is to do your own taxes.

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Daniel Jedi Squire in Training
you deserve more CONTROL

3.) You deserve MORE CONTROL…

… in preparing your taxes. If you use computer software (TurboTax) to prepare you taxes, you will have MORE CONTROL in doing your taxes. And you will become more knowledgeable and more prepared to file your taxes next year.

You will get to review important financial information. To put you in control of your finances.

MORE CONTROL over your financial life ! Isn’t that what you want ? MORE CONTROL !

What could be more important financially than KNOWING how your taxes IMPACT your life ? And being armed with this knowledge, you are now better prepared to file next year’s tax return.

You are IN CONTROL of filing this year’s tax return AND prepared to file next year’s tax return !!

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you have choices – more privacy, convenience and control


If you are a Walmart enthusiast…

… and loyal shopper at Walmart, you have ANOTHER CHOICE. Stay loyal to Walmart; and still enjoy the PRIVACY, CONVENIENCE, and CONTROL of filing your TAXES ON YOUR OWN.

Buy TurboTax online through Walmart. And prepare your taxes from the safety and comfort of YOUR OWN HOME.

And, for the rest of the year, you can use Quicken and QuickBooks to manage your personal and business finances – purchased from Walmart. And stay loyal to Walmart. If you want.

Or just look at TurboTax right here.

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you should not file your taxes at walmart
you deserve more privacy, convenience and control

You deserve …

It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. 

YOU HAVE CHOICES !!! Click here today to prepare your own taxes.

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Save $20.00 here

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3 Reasons Why You Should Do Your Own Taxes

Why You Should Do Your Own Taxes

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Here are 3 great reasons why you should do your own taxes. Including some bonus reasons.

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1.) YOU save time …

… by just taking a picture of your W-2 with your phone. Click here to see how this works. And to learn about Absolute Zero.

And by importing information.

When you use TurboTax, you save time by importing information from Quicken and QuickBooks directly into your TurboTax 2015. And, like cyber magic, you instantly save time and reduce the possibility for data entry errors.

Learn about…

  • TurboTax for your income tax,
  • Quicken for your personal finances and
  • QuickBooks for your business accounting. Below. 

TurboTax (from Intuit) may be linked to Quicken (personal finance and money management software) and QuickBooks (accounting software for small businesses).

Importing your information from Quicken and QuickBooks saves you time and minimizes data entry errors. Just follow the simple online instructions.

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eFile Your Taxes with TurboTax
You don’t have to be a genius to DO YOUR OWN TAXES. 

2.) YOU transfer …

You can transfer last year’s tax return information into this year’s TurboTax 2015. Last year’s information from TurboTax will auto-populate into this year’s tax data. Simple and easy.

This saves you time. And transferring information ensures accuracy and consistency year after year.

Why not make doing your taxes simple, boring, consistent ? And fast? Why not? 

In this case, boring is a good thing. 

Note: TurboTax will even transfer your signature info preventing an efile rejection caused by an incorrect PIN.

.  .  .  .  .  .

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Daniel Jedi Squire in Training
You are the Jedi in control of doing YOUR OWN TAXES. 

3.) YOU. Are. In. Control.

TurboTax is  easy and fast. And YOU. Are. In. Control.

That’s why I use it. TurboTax is quick and easy. It is as easy as “telling the financial story of your 2015.” Just answer the questions that TurboTax asks you.

TurboTax is convenient.

And puts you in control.

You are in control of when you do your taxes. In the privacy of your home. At your pace. On your time schedule. Not at someone else’s office. And not in a noisy, impersonal Big Box store.

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Play is the Best Learning Tool
And here are your BONUS reasons. To do YOUR OWN TAXES !!!

Bonus Reasons 

And here are some bonus reasons why you should do your own taxes. Remember, it doesn’t take a genius to do YOUR OWN TAXES.

  • You keep your private information. PRIVATE.
  • You save money by doing your own taxes. 
  • It’s easier than you think. 
  • You’ll get your refund faster. 
  • You’ll increase your income tax IQ. Important for this year and many following years. 

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thanksgiving outdoors
Your life has its demands. 

You’re busy. And your life has its demands.

  • Helping your children with their homework.
  • Soccer practice.
  • Dinner time.
  • And more …
  • No problem !

Start and stop your tax preparing process at your convenience. Not at the convenience of some impersonal tax preparer. See the demo here.

Save and restart your tax preparation at your convenience.

Just continue your story of 2015 in TurboTax – in the safety and comfort of your home. On your computer or on your mobile device. 

And you definitely do NOT want to do this in a cubicle of some Big Box store with the whole world watching and listening. And prepared by a part time individual.

  • File with TurboTax electronically.
  • Deposit your tax refund to your bank electronically.
  • Save a copy of your tax return to your computer.
  • Print a copy of your tax return.
  • All from the comfort of your home on your time schedule.
  • It’s fast and easy.
  • And you’re in control.

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File your taxes early. Start now.
File your taxes early. Start now.

Click to watch this short video (2:09) just to see how it works.

BEFORE you buy.

Then get started. Today.

Just click the picture below to get started. 

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