What does racial reconciliation really look like?

On a podcast today, we talked about racial reconciliation – PJ Charles, Geoffrey Harris and myself.

Racial reconciliation from the perspective of God’s Love.

What is it? How does it look? And how do you find a lasting solution in a 40-minute podcast?

Well, you can’t reach an adequate solution in just one conversation. Racial controversy is a multi-generational and multi-layered issue that goes deep into our hearts and is embedded into our memories.

Let’s not kid ourselves. One well-meaning conversation is just a beginning.

But it is a beginning. And it is an example of what we should be discussing with our friends of all colors and with our children.

We need to start having these conversations regardless of how messy they are. Regardless if these conversations feel like they are never finished.

Let’s have these conversations that do not have a clearly defined end game. But end feeling incomplete. These are the tough and important conversations we need to have.

Big issues are not resolved with Executive Orders and new laws.

This big issue – racial reconciliation – is a heart issue and will take time.

And time takes time.

The beginning for me is to recognize that I have blind spots. And it will take many uncomfortable conversations for me to see my blind spots even before I admit them.

Blind spots – we can’t see what we don’t see. And we don’t know what we don’t know.

That’s where I am starting. I’m starting with these messy conversations with friends of all colors and backgrounds.

So that I can do one thing – recognize my blind spots.