5 Fun Things for Your Kids to Do This Summer – for less than your last trip to Disney World

Fun Things for Your Kids to Do This Summer …

… or anytime.

fun things to do with your kids
Let’s have some fun. Create some memories. Do some reaLLy cool things this summer.

Create some cool memories. 

Let’s have some fun and do some reaLLy cool stuff this summer.

Or anytime. Why wait til summer to do fun stuFF ?

1.) – Build with MarshmaLLows …

… and t00thpicks.

Yes, I know we’ve already talked about this last week. But Lucas wanted to show you pictures of his creations.

fun things for kids to do
Hey ! Be nice.  It’s a WORK IN PROGRESS. That’s the fun. It’s NEVER finished.

Just marshmaLLows and t00thpicks …

… and skewers and stirrers and Gummy Bears and some Legos for effect.

And the Finished MarshmaLLow and GuMMy Bear Tent Circus …

fun things for kids to do
Over 32 triangles made of marshmallows and t00thpicks and BBQ skewers

If you use your imagination, you can see the Lion Cages and the Trapeze Artists. And when you listen closely, you can even hear the Carnival Barker. 

Yes, you do need to buy some extra marshmallows to feed the animals – the home crowd – brothers and sisters – watching and “helping.” We were loosing some marshmallows – to a younger brother, an older brother and mom.

Here’s a secret grandpa tip about working with marshmallows. Open the bag and let the marshmallows dry a little.

When the marshmallows are fresh, they’re a little sticky and messy hard to work with.

Another grandpa tip: Remember to eat ALL of your mistakes.

2.) – Create a Super Hero Lego Village.

And take some pictures.

It’s as simple as it sounds. Use some Lego characters and random toys from the house. Get creative and take some pics with your phone to create Lego scenes.

fun things for kids
Really ! Legos ARE fun for EVERYone.

This is a great time to teach your kids how to use an image editing app. Use Snapseed. It’s FREE and easy to use. FREE for iPhone and android.

3.) – Take a Trip to the Dollar Store …

… and spend $10.00 or less.

Make this trip your IMAGINeering time.

fun things for kids to do
Disney Imagineering – create the never before imagined.

And become a Disney Imagineer.

Use your imagination and ask yourself how you are going to use what you buy. Don’t be so structured and dependent on some website or pre-packaged kit to give you directions on how to build and what to do.

Just buy some cheap stuff and get creative with …

  • sidewalk chalk, and
  • (draw outlines of bodies like a crime scene and let your neighbors wonder what happened last night)
  • play dough, and
  • paint, and
  • n00dles, and
  • … ???
fun things for kids to do
Wow ! Super fun in the backyard with n00dles from the Dollar Store

Check out these 29 Dollar Store Ideas at 29 Dollar Store Ideas – thanks to my PINTEREST-ing daughter, Lindsay (at Pinterest).

Here’s a Grandpa Challenge.

Go to the Dollar Store and become “Disney IMAGINeers” and create the “never before imagined” in …

  • in your minds,
  • in your bathtub,
  • in your kitchen, and
  • in your backyard.

4.) – Fly Paper Airplanes

Easy peasy. Buy a Paper Airplane Book kit from Amazon right here.

Or just find a quality website – like Fun Paper Airplanes – and use your printer.

Tell grandpa which method you liked the best (in the comments below.)

fun things for kids to do
Paper airplanes are AMAZING.

Lucas and I found this website – Fun Paper Airplanes. We downloaded the FREE paper airplane designs and became instant experts.

Lucas liked this website because the folding directions were very clear and visual.

I liked it because it was divided by different skill levels.

From easy to medium to hard. To novelty paper airplanes.

We haven’t tried the novelty airplanes yet. We are very happy building the easy and medium skill designs.

5.) – Go on a Kayak Adventure

fun things for kids to do
It’s GREAT to have a COOL UNCLE for kayaking.

… and discover a new island.

For the kayak cruise, you will need some time AND some money, but it still costs less than your last trip to Disney World.

Watch the video of Drew’s and Levi’s kayak adventure.

What a fun day in the sun and on the water !!!

And it helps if you’re athletic or have a cool athletic uncle. Or aunt.

And take some pictures of these great memories.

Remember no one gives you a grade on these adventures.

Just do it.

And Create a Memory.

Because NO ONE  – EVEREVER reminisces about the Friday that they worked late.

because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late
… because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late

But every kid remembers kayaking with their cool uncle.

And every kid remembers the TIME you spent with them.

Just do it. Create a memory. 

fun things for kids to do
Tell us which project you did and HOW you did it. We want to know …

In the comments below, tell us about one cool thing you did / or are planning to do this summer.

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