Just Start. Write Your First Ugly. . .

Write your first ugly blog post. Today.

Create your first ugly video blog.

Just start.

Your first video won’t be your best video.

Your first video will be your worst video.

And that’s why you do it.

But you worry, “What if I just create dribble?”

The first time you probably will create dribble.

But when you’re new, how many people read what you write?

How many people watch your videos?

My first video had nine views. One from my mother, and eight from me.

But you say, “What about the critics?”

The critics are always here.

Hemingway had critics. Michael Jordan had critics. The best of the best have critics.

And critics do what critics do.

But both Hemingway and Michael Jordan kept doing what creators do.

Both kept creating and upgrading their craft.

Haters gonna hate. And keep hating.

Haters usually stay on the sidelines because they lack courage.

But the courageous ones. The creators, like you and me, create.

And we’re gonna keep creating.

The world needs what you have to create.

So start.

And write that first ugly draft.

Create that first ugly video.

Because your passion is greater than your fear.

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