You Make Me Want to Vomit!

That’s straight from your Bible.

And it’s talking about mediocrity.

*See links below*

You’re not hot. You’re not cold. You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You’re average. You’re mediocre.

You make me want to vomit.

It’s true. You’re mediocre, and you make me want to vomit.

But. . . if you want to make a difference. Let’s talk.

I’ll talk. You listen. I’m talking to the church people right now.

Your emails, your Facebook posts and images, your videos, your music, your sermons – they are stale, boring, average, and predictable like an black-and-white sit com from the 60’s.

Like a nightly 30 minute show from the 60’s, we know what you’re going to say BEFORE you say it. We know the commercials. We have them memorized. We know how the story ends.

And you wonder why we’re bored.

You wonder why people don’t come to your church or watch your videos or read your emails.

Because you make them want to vomit with your predictable ordinariness.

Your email subject lines have not changed in the last ten years.

Take a lesson from online content that sells and gets the clicks.

Give me a reason to watch your videos, a reason to open your emails. Be compelling, funny, entertaining, unpredictable, and fast. And not boring and so predictable.

I’m glad you can quote the King James Bible in every other sentence of your sermon. But I’m not impressed if that is all you learned in seminary.

Give me something that is relevant. Something that is relevant today. Something that I can use today. Something with substance and meaning that will help me in my world.

Learn to use online data to determine what people are watching and not watching.

Instead of a 25-minute sermon. Why not give me ten 3-minute sound bytes during the week that I can use? Use online data to determine when in the week you should deliver those videos.

And track the data to see what’s working and what’s not working.

This data is available and free. Go to the University of YouTube. Go to the University of Google. And re-learn your trade to be relevant.

Give me multiple touch points of encouragement, truth, inspiration that are good enough for me to share with friends. So I can become a source of encouragement and truth and inspiration for my friends.

But all you give me is the same stuff for the last 30, 40, 50 years. That is predictable and boring. And not worth watching.

And definitely not worth sharing.

Maybe this rant helps or angers one church guy just enough to change. I hope one church guy / one church lady gets angry enough to consider changing from boring to something better.

Hey, church guy / church lady, you have many examples around you of content that I will watch and share.

Just watch your children and grandchildren. See what they are watching and ask them why they watch what they do.

Just look at what they are watching on their phones. Ask them why. And listen to them. Just listen to their whys.

I spent 40 minutes one day just watching / observing my grandchildren playing a video game. And watched and listened. And asked questions. And I learned a lot.

They are not watching anything boring and predictable.

Take some old truths from your Owner’s Manual (Bible) that work.

And re-present them.

Yes, re-present some old ideas in a relevant way.

Present Biblical Truths in a different way. Re-present them.

So that I will listen.

And make it good enough to share.

In the meantime, whatever is average and mediocre. . .

. . . that stuff makes me want to vomit.

The above content is found in your Owner’s Manual at Revelation 3:16

Click on these different versions.

*The Message* – Revelation 3:16

*Hawai’i Pidgin* – Revelation 3:16

*King James Version* – Revelation 3:16

*And thanks to Carey Nieuwhof for the idea. *Click here* for the inspiration for this blog post. Thanks, Carey, for being relevant.

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