Fear Has Killed More. . .

Fear has killed more dreams that failure ever will.

Fear is subtle. Sneaky, cunning.

Disguised as your ego and criticism.

And your little fears sabotage your success every day. Sometimes you don’t know it.

Have you ever said (or thought) “I’m not comfortable with that.”

Or have you ever been trying to help someone and heard that comment?


I heard that phrase just this week from a client. “I’m not comfortable with that.”

And I thought my head would explode with anger. It was an immediate internal response.

And I had to pause to reflect. Pause to catch my breath before I exploded.


I realized that is exactly what I want to hear as a coach.

This is the moment.

The critical “coach-able moment” that a coach desires and the moment that the student must have to grow.

This is a defining moment. The moment to learn and grow.

If the student does not reach that place of being uncomfortable, how will they ever grow?

You need to think “I’m not comfortable with that” to grow.

And when your student says, “I’m not comfortable with that,” they just gave you a key indicator to pause and reflect to face an unknown fear.


Without fear and discomfort, how can one grow?

When is the last time you said to yourself, “I’m not comfortable with that?”

I’m NOT talking about crossing a moral line. I am talking about crossing a line where you get to face your fear.


Most fears I have are related to my ego. That dreaded fear of taking a risk with my ego and being criticized.

But that is where growth is. And that is where your true uniqueness, your true genius lies. Inside of that fear and slightly beyond that fear.

“I’m not comfortable with that” could be golden words to you. As a student. AND as a coach.


. . . in spite of feeling the fear.

Do not mistake courage as the absence of fear. Rather courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

And a fulfilling life is living in those fears and taking risks and walking through those fears often. And failing often.

Those successful people that you admire have failed many more times than you. And have made a habit of walking through their fears. Often. Daily.


Those successful people that you admire have many more critics than you. And they are living lives of “daring greatly.”

The next time you think, “I’m not comfortable with that.” Treasure that thought and that yucky feeling, because you are at a defining moment in your life. And that fear is friend sent by your creator to help you grow.

The solution is in your struggle.

The answer is in the problem.

Your growth is in the middle of your discomfort and on the other side of fear.


Do not end your life saying,

“I wish I had.”

Instead end this day saying,

“I’m glad I did.”


Because fear has killed more dreams than failure ever will.