America's GRUMP-iest Grandpa

About | Grandpa

Welcome to America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa.

First of all, I am …

I’m a real grandpa (and the official designated Chief Giver of Hugs in the nursery at church) on a mission to be the guardian of our children and grandchildren. And I am GRUMPY

I am a teacher, a photographer and a GRUMPY grandpa. I help the overwhelmed soccer mom (you and other moms, too – hockey moms and more ) to love and laugh out loud in your crazy busy world so you can have a fun time with the ones you love. So you can…
…love and laugh with the ones who matter most. 

I’m the SLAYER of all things evil for your family.

And the PROTECTOR of all things good for your family.
I am BOLD about this mission. 
I am HOT about my passions. 
I am COLD about dead-beat dads of all kinds.
I am HOT about dead-beat grandparents. 
I am NOT lukewarm about this blog.
I AM opinionated.
And you may NOT LIKE ME. 

You may like what I have to say.

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Join us. Don’t miss ANYthing 

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Or you may disagree with me vehemently. 

I am NOT just another blogger trying to make a buck from you.

So like me, share me with friends. Alvin Weiss 300 x 300Or unlike me, or just unsubscribe. Life is TOO SHORT to waste energy being politically correct

Let’s play this game like it’s the 4th Quarter of the Final Game of your life.
Because it is.
Every day is your LAST day. Every play is your LAST play.
This is the 4th Quarter of your Final Game. 

– signed america’s GRUMPiest grandpa

America's GRUMPiest Grandpa
america’s GRUMPiest grandpa – the slayer of all things evil for your family

Grandpa’s Manifesto – [long version]

I’m a real person (not just a writer), a real grandpa, a real GRUMPY Grandpa, and the advocate for your family. I’m not just another online blogger trying to make a buck from you.

I live in Florida with my oldest daughter, Libby, and her family. I’ve been staying alive just long enough to make life uncomfortable for my 4 wonderful adult children. And daily I’m trying to relate to my 6 grandchildren and their fast and digital world.

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And, with my adult children, we’re trying to comprehend some of the realities of our lives like their mother dying way too early in life from Alzheimer’s Disease. And trying to understand how earning advanced college degrees and working hard can still make you a part of the “middle class poor.”

Here are the little people in my life. 

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Drew | Vivaka | Daniel | Lucas | Ely | Trista
Grandchildren | Drew | Vivaka | Daniel | Lucas | Ely | Tristan
I’m a real person – keeping it real for you. Maybe you’ll be encouraged by this blog, or maybe you’ll just learn something from one of my EPIC FAILURES. (I promised you that I will keep it REAL FOR YOU).

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What about the little people in you life?

The little people in your life are growing rapidly. 

Check your priorities.

And they keep growing. 

Drew | Lucas | Tristan | Daniel | Vivaka | Ely
Drew | Lucas | Tristan | Daniel | Vivaka | Ely

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Learn from one of my EPIC FAILURES that will save you some time and heartache. Maybe you’ll just have a laugh (AT me and NOT WITH me)  at some of my crazy thinking.

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What Ya NEED to Hear

Zero Fear
Zero Fear Defeats Leader-LESS Leadership

Hearing from america’s GRUMPiest grandpa may be just what you NEED to hear today. I said what you NEED to hear.

Not what you WANT to hear. Stay with me here. This will make sense to you if you’ll finish reading this entire post.

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Hey, what are ya gonna do anyway with the next several minutes ? Watch some mindless video on Facebook about smiling cats, jumping dogs, or an “epic fail” video filmed by some stupid teenager while all of his friends watch him and record via their iPhones ?

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So just read this entire post.

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From Baby Boomer to…

…to America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa

Hey. I’m what niche marketers call a Baby Boomer – one who survived the raging 50’s and 60’s. I believe there is great value in what I learned by surviving that era.
We – the baby boomers – burned our draft cards, survived the 60’s and the Viet Nam War and the Peace Marches and the anti-war protests.

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hippies in 1960
do ya remember the 60’s ?
We – the baby boomers – raised Generation X and the Millennial Generation – Gen Y.
We are the inventors of the technology boom and the creators of the Apple and Microsoft generation. And we lived to tell about it. At least, some of us survived. RIP Janis Joplin.

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Back to School for…

… America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa

Now as a grandparent, I’m going back to school again. I’m busy doing homework every day with a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old child. I’m relearning my colors and sight words and math.

Doing Homework
fun is your best learning t00l

And learning how to read and count through the eyes of a 6-year-old child.

And I am learning that play is the best learning tool.

I’m also embracing the wonderful world of technology – taking technology classes online (via Team Treehouse in Orlando, and through Coursera internationally), learning HTML and learning how to build an android app.

I’m busy learning how to edit my GoPro videos [just 1 minute long]. Watch here. (I think my videos are great, and they should go viral soon; one video even has 79 views). And I’m busy learning how to become friends with WordPress and with the world of blogging and online affiliate marketing.

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If you ever wanted to blog, look at my Crash Text Page. I can take away some of the pain of your learning curve.

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Be Hot or COLD But…

Every morning I get a healthy dose of positive inspiration from my good friend – Eric Thomas. ET is my motivator and spiritual mentor.

Eric Thomas helps me to focus on my core beliefs. Here’s one of my core  beliefs about what we should be doing on this earth. And what motivates me to write.


But NOT lukewarm.

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I do NOT want to live as a lukewarm person anymore. Most of my life I’ve been the 3-piece-suit corporate robot – a robot in the negative sense of the word — blindly supporting and promoting corporate values. Out of a sense of loyalty.

I’ve spent my life being politically correct while quietly and methodically climbing the corporate ladder.

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No one that I know has EVER reminisced about the Friday (all those Fridays and weekends) that they worked late.

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because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late
… because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late

By the way, when you finally reach the top of that corporate ladder, if you trip or make a mistake; you can fall straight to the bottom in a New York City nanosecond. So recheck your priorities if you are investing your future in that corporate ladder.

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Be HOT. Be Cold. NOT Lukewarm.

Being politically correct as a life style is a waste of your intellectual assets. Let me explain by quoting some verses from the Bible. (If you don’t believe in the Bible, keep reading anyway because this is just good stuff.)

Don’t be lukewarm.

Be HOT about something. 

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Miss Clara: “No, baby. Mine’s HOT.”

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“I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking.
You’re not cold,
You’re not hot
Far better to be either cold or hot!
You’re stale.
You’re stagnant.
You make me want to vomit.
You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made,
I need nothing from anyone,’
oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful,
blind beggar,
threadbare and homeless.”

– Revelations 3:15 – 17 (version: The Message). I believe this is strong and direct language that you can understand.

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“You’re stale.

You’re stagnant.

You make me want to vomit.”

Any questions ? 

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America's GRUMPiest Grandpa
america’s GRUMPiest grandpa – “Be hot. Be cold. Not Lukewarm.”

You Make Me Want to Vomit

People who are lukewarm make me sick. “You make me want to vomit.” Yes, people who are strong and focused and opinionated may polarize their audiences. So what !

But they do force some new thinking and actions. I call this a good thing. New and fresh thinking followed by massive actions.

Otherwise we just keep marching as spineless and mindless CORPORATE ANDROIDS.

We need more people who are HOT or COLD.

We do NOT need anymore lukewarm, stagnant people.

We have plenty of those kind of people – getting NOTHING DONE. Just doing nothing – but faster and more efficiently.

I want you to join me …

… and become the SLAYER of ALL THINGS EVIL for our children and grandchildren. Join me in being PROTECTORS of ALL THINGS GOOD. 

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Join me.

Become the Slayer of ALL Things Evil.  

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Phil Robertson – NOT Lukewarm

Mr. Robertson is  a polarizing example of NOT being LUKEWARM.
Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty Fame expressed some views based on his spiritual beliefs.

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Love him or hate him. Phil doesn’t leave any middle ground.

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Don’t stop reading just because you don’t like what he had to say. Mr. Robertson was CLEAR AND DIRECT. Not LUKEWARM about what he had to say.
My point is NOT: do you agree or disagree with him.

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The national news carried his story for days on every media – relentlessly criticizing him.

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The good news is that his direct comments forced people to think and TAKE A STAND – with him or against him. He spoke clearly. Phil speaks in an “unPhiltered” fashion.

Rev Martin Luther King, Jr – had a dream !

In the 60’s, the Rev Martin Luther King, Jr, said “I have a dream” and clearly expressed his dream of equality for the children of this nation of the USA. Martin Luther King was clear and direct and died for expressing his views.

Rev Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King, Jr, lived as a true leader, and he died a TRUE LEADER.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was NOT lukewarm.

Being politically correct and lukewarm may keep you alive. Being either HOT or COLD DOES CHALLENGE our thinking, but being LUKEWARM can NOT change the world.

  • Be ready for the haters when you speak boldly.
  • Haters gotta hate.
  • That’s just what they do.
  • People who change the world are gonna have haters. 

Leader-LESS Leadership no strategy yet ?

In stark contrast to Martin Luther King, another national leader was questioned about his international policy.
His reply was, “I don’t have a strategy yet.”
What a weak response. Politically safe. This so-called leader was just buying time so his staff could take some opinion polls so he could craft a safe, politically correct response.
No courage. No leadership. And a solid way to NOT create any change nor momentum. Lukewarm.
This is a vivid example of a “you-make-me-want-to-vomit” wannabe leader.
  • No backbone.
  • No courage.
  • Definitely NOT a Martin Luther King leader.

In the absence of true leadership….
  • ANYTHING and ANYONE will fill the void.
  • People want leadership.
  • No, people NEED leadership.
And in the absence of leadership, people will listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. Watch the video [03:45] clip here from The American President .

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Today, more than ever, the world needs leadership.

Our world lacks leadership.

In the absence of leadership, people will listen to anyone.

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Yes, Grandpa Is a Hypocrite

I choose to be HOT and COLD on different topics.

And, as I CHANGE MY MIND with new information, you can call me inconsistent or a HYPOCRITE.

I am taking a stand to be the slayer of all things evil for our children and grandchildren and to be the protector of all things good and necessary for the survival of our children.

I’m not a hater, but I’m willing to take the risk of being called a hater.

I’m willing to take the risk of being called crazy.

Zero Fear
Zero Fear Defeats Leader-LESS Leadership

I refuse to be stale, stagnant, and lukewarm anymore. Lukewarm coffee makes me want to vomit.

Give me some hot coffee, or give me some iced coffee. You can keep your lukewarm coffee.

 “I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking.

You’re not cold,
You’re not hot
Far better to be either cold or hot!
You’re stale.
You’re stagnant.
You make me want to vomit.
You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made,
I need nothing from anyone,’
oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful,
blind beggar, threadbare and homeless.”
– from Revelations 3:15 – 17 (version: The Message).

I believe this is strong and direct language that speaks very clearly.

America's GRUMPiest Grandpa
america’s GRUMPiest grandpa – “You make me want to vomit.”

I encourage you to read these verses (Revelations 3:15-17) in different versions from the Bible – regardless of your belief system. Download this app to read different versions.

The message of these verses stays consistent in every version.

  • Be hot.
  • Be cold.
  • Take a stand; and say something.
  • Do something.
  • In the absence of leadership, people will follow ANYONE with a microphone.
  • Or a blog. 

Take a Stand on …

  • politics,
  • education,
  • the traditional family,
  • your non-traditional family,
  • illegal immigration,
  • health care,
  • world peace,
  • women’s rights.
Get angry. Disagree with me. Take a stand.

In the Absence of Leadership, People …

… will listen to anyone who has a microphone (or a blog).

  • Get angry.
  • Disagree with me.
  • Take a stand.
  • If not, you make me want to vomit.
  • Unfriend me, unfollow me,  or unsubscribe.
  • Or share my craziness with a friend.
  • Let’s do this like it’s the 4th quarter of the final game of our lives.
  • Because it is.
  • Every day. 
  • Every play.
  • It’s the 4th Quarter of the Final Game of our Lives.  

You just finished reading the [long version] “Manifesto Rant” by America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa.

And I’m glad you did. 

Thanks for listening – America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa 

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Jon and Stephanie Weiss

Infomercial  – America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa is supporting Jon and Stephanie’s trip to Tanzania. No, it’s not a pleasure trip. Jon and Stephanie and their 4 young children are going to Tanzania for 5 years as linguists and translators for Wycliffe Bible Translators. And half of Grandpa’s net revenues (any purchases via links on Grandpa’s website) will go to supporting Jon and Steph on their way to Tanzania. Learn more here about Jon and Stephanie –  On Our Way to Tanzania.

America's GRUMPiest Grandpa

It’s the 4th quarter of your life. 

Be hot. | Be cold. | NOT lukewarm.

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