Hey ! This is Alvin. I’m on an exciting and scary jaunt called the 4th Quarter of My Life. Join me on this Final Road Trip. Sounds frightening yet electrifying ! ! !
During the 4th Quarter of this Great Game, I plan to live intentionally – with purpose and by design. And share it with you. Remember – this is my final road trip. Jump in and buckle up !
One more thing – I need to share some of my five decades of business experiences spiced with generous servings of some painful lessons. I must share this very EXPENSIVE supply of experiences.
Sounds self-righteous, but no one needs to repeat some of the brainless things I have done.
The 4th quarter is NOT THE TIME TO BE TIMID.
Hey ! Let's go ! Jump in ! Buckle up !
10 Lessons to Learn from Women’s World Cup Soccer 2015 and the Final Match with USA and Japan
Sporting events teach us some great lessons in life. Here are 10 lessons to learn from US WNT 2015.
But wait !!! If you live in the USA, you probably will NOT qualify to…
Qualify to what … ? Only a handful of people in the USA will qualify to read and understand this blog.
Here are the Five (5) Requirements to Qualify to …
… to read and benefit from this blog.
Ya gotta know International Futbol (called soccer by the peeps of the USA).
Ya gotta love Women’s World Cup Soccer.
You must have watched all seven (7) of USA World Cup Matches, especially
The entire Final Match of Women’s World Cup Soccer 2105 – USA v Japan.
And most of all, ya gotta believe.
USWNT 2015 – i believe that we will win – click the pic to see… Carli’s Magical GOAL !
If you do NOT qualify on all five points,
… you have not earned the right to understand this blog.
So just share it with a friend to see if they qualify. On all five points.
Sporting events are great teachers for the lessons of life.
Here Are the Ten [10] Lessons to …
… to learn from the World Cup Tournament and the Final Match of World Cup Soccer with USA and Japan. You will understand these 10 points if you were watching and “listening” to the matches.
Lesson # 1 – Here’s how to create…
… to create a stand alone and highly recognizable brand.
No Maybes – Dominate with ExceLLence – click image to buy US Jersey
Dominate and show your excellence.
Just do it.
Then no one compares you to anything else.
USA futbol aficionados have now stopped comparing every match to 1999.
US WNT 1999 – Brandi Chastain – No More Comparing
Or how close the USA came to victory four years ago. It is done. The USA dominated and made a worldwide statement.
Do it. Accept no maybes.
US WNT 2015 – a new level of excellence – ya gotta believe
Women’s World Cup Soccer 2015 has now defined…
… a new level of excellence. Here is the new brand of excellence – US WNT 2015.
Read about how US Women Shattered TV Ratings (23 million). Newer information says 25.4 million viewers watched the USA defeat Japan to win the Women’s World Cup title.
Ya gotta believe.
Lesson # 2 – Once you have momentum,
… use it. When you survive the Group of Death, you start believing. They call it the Group of Death for a reason.
And when you defeat a giant like Germany,
… you can conquer the other Goliaths of the world.
Ya gotta believe.
Lesson # 3 – When you have a hungry closer …
Carli Lloyd – Unleash Her – Let Her Run Loose – click pic to see US tank top jersey
… at your business or a hungry strikeron your team, let her run loose.
Unleash her.
She just might have a world record hat trick in her untapped arsenal. Ya never know. Ya gotta believe.
Lesson # 4 – When it’s game time, be fast
… and furious. Score early and score often. The so-called Giants are beatable.Ask Carli Lloyd for clarification on this point.
Ya gotta believe.
Lesson # 5 – After you get your world record
… your world record hat trick, just keep firing. Raise the bar for the next world record.
Why ? Hey, this needs no explanation.
Ya gotta believe.
Lesson # 6 – When you have just won
.. the game of your life – when you have won the ultimate victory, good for you. But wait !!! You now have more to do.
This is the time for some humility.
Acknowledge your trainers, your parents, your support system – who have all sacrificed more than you have.
Respect the pioneers who led the way.
Put your pioneers in the front and center to lift the trophy. The trophy that they – NOT YOU – rightfully earned.
The pioneers (and your team’s defenders) have spent
Julie Johnston – defense wins championships – click her pic to see Julie’s Facebook page
… have spent more time earning that coveted trophy than you– even if you did score the goals.
You did NOT get there on your own.
You are standing on the shouldersof your worn and torn pioneers.
Even if they are sitting in the stands or on the bench today.
Lesson # 7 – Celebrate your unsung heroes
… unsung heroes -like Morgan Brian. Honor your play makers – even if others do not. Especially when others do not. In fact, honor your play makers more than your goal scorers.
The people who really understand the game – the people who really matter – know who the play makers are. Those who create the opportunities for you to score.
Morgan Brian allowed Holiday and Lloyd to combine for four goals. Allowed is the operative word. That is, created opportunities for others to score.
Meghan Klingenberg – StreetFighter and US Defender
And the tireless defenders who kept the team in the game.By making the other team pay for every inch of artificial turf trespassed with their blood. And sweat. And tears. And then more blood.
Lesson # 8 – Coaching Matters.
Jill Ellis – Yes, Coaching DOES matter.
Yes, coaching does matter. As the tournament progressed, so did the USA. Was this just luck ?
Luck, no. The team and the coach progressed – strategically and intentionally. With a great coaching plan.
Luck ? Winners do not believe in luck. Winners just grind and then grind some more. Winners create their own luck. Losers create excuses.
Coaching Matters.
A lot. More than players will admit. Not everyone in the USA agreed with the coaching strategies of Jill Ellis. What ? One of the world’s leading goal scorers was sitting on the bench.
But coach Jill Ellis had coaching integrity. Doing what was right for the team – regardless of what others were thinking and saying.
No room for whiners. ONLY WINNERS. Click pic to see “divers and cheaters”
And no players were whining.
There’s no room for whiners on a winning team.
Hope Wears the # 1 for a Reason – Hope Works Solo Sometimes – click pic for more HOPE !
And if you have the world’s best goalkeeper,
… use her – regardless. She can “ice” the world’s best PK shooter by just being herself – and she can do it Solo. When it matters. Coaching matters. Ya gotta believe.
Solo iced Celia Sasic – a near perfect PK shooter – click pic for details
Lesson # 9 – Ya gotta peak
… at the right time – at exactly the right time. US WNT’s first matches in the group stage were definitely underwhelming.
Megan Rapinoe – ya gotta peak at the RIGHT time – CLICK PIC for MORE Megan
Do you expect your employees
… to give their peak performance all the time every day? If you do, then you don’t know much about performance.
Ask the performance experts. I don’t have the time nor the patience to explain this one to you.Ya gotta believe. Believe me.
Lesson # 10 – Cheesy Slogans Still Work.
Yes, believe.
I believe…
I believe that…
I believe. Do you ?
Your opinion matters. Comment below.
Your coMMents maTTer…
At what point (which game, which play) did you start believing in the US WNT 2015 ? Comment below.
I’ll start. I starting believing in match # 5 (?) – the (?) quarterfinal match – USA v Germany – whenHope Solo, the US Goalkeeper, “iced” Germany’s Celia Sasic on a critical PK. Up to this point, Germany had been nearly perfect in PK’s. And Solo’s antics and mind game literally jumbled the neurons in the mind of Germany’s Sasic to the point where Sasic missed the entire goal. Only Hope Solo could do this.Incredible. At that point, ya just gotta believe.
Let’s have some fun. Create some memories. Do some reaLLy cool things this summer.
Create some cool memories.
Let’s have some fun and do some reaLLy cool stuff this summer.
Or anytime. Why wait til summer to do fun stuFF ?
1.) – Build with MarshmaLLows …
… and t00thpicks.
Yes, I know we’ve already talked about this last week. But Lucas wanted to show you pictures of his creations.
Hey ! Be nice. It’s a WORK IN PROGRESS. That’s the fun. It’s NEVER finished.
Just marshmaLLows and t00thpicks …
… and skewers and stirrers and Gummy Bears and some Legos for effect.
And the Finished MarshmaLLow and GuMMy Bear Tent Circus …
Over 32 triangles made of marshmallows and t00thpicks and BBQ skewers
If you use your imagination, you can see the Lion Cages and the Trapeze Artists. And when you listen closely, you can even hear the Carnival Barker.
Yes, you do need to buy some extra marshmallowsto feed the animals – the home crowd – brothers and sisters – watching and “helping.” We were loosing some marshmallows – to a younger brother, an older brother and mom.
Here’s a secret grandpa tip about working with marshmallows. Open the bag and let the marshmallows dry a little.
When the marshmallows are fresh, they’re a little sticky and messy hard to work with.
Another grandpa tip: Remember to eat ALL of your mistakes.
2.) – Create a Super Hero Lego Village.
And take some pictures.
It’s as simple as it sounds. Use some Lego characters and random toys from the house. Get creative and take some pics with your phone to create Lego scenes.
Really ! Legos ARE fun for EVERYone.
This is a great time to teach your kids how to use an image editing app. Use Snapseed. It’s FREE and easy to use. FREE for iPhone and android.
3.) – Take a Trip to the Dollar Store …
… and spend $10.00 or less.
Make this trip your IMAGINeering time.
Disney Imagineering – create the never before imagined.
Use your imagination and ask yourself how you are going to use what you buy. Don’t be so structured and dependent on some website or pre-packaged kit to give you directions on how to build and what to do.
Just buy some cheap stuff and get creative with …
sidewalk chalk, and
(draw outlines of bodieslike a crime scene and let your neighbors wonder what happened last night)
play dough, and
paint, and
n00dles, and
… ???
Wow ! Super fun in the backyard with n00dles from the Dollar Store
Did you hear ? Grandpa made a BIG list of fun things.
Grandpa Made a List of Fun Things to Do.
For summer. Or anytime.
And he’s gonna share some of them.
Here they are:
9 fun things for your kids to do this summer.
They are all super easy to do.
And they all cost less than a trip to Disney.
1.) – Build with Marshmallows and …
… toothpicks and gummy bears. And add some coffee stirrers and skewer sticks from your kitchen pantry. Build and …
Build with marshmallows and toothpicks. All for less than the cost of a trip to Disney.
Create something – big or small – with toothpicks and marshmallows.
For this project, you may need to dedicate your kitchen table for one or two evenings.
And when you’re finished, let your kids eat it ALL.
Then send your “sugar high” kids to grandma’s house.
2.) – Bubbles, of course.
You can’t go wrong with some bubble summer fun.
What list would be complete without bubbles.
Anything with bubbles is fun. Where to buy – Dollar Store, Walmart or save all the hassle by buying from Amazon Prime.
Commercial Break and Life Hack for Moms
I believe Amazon Prime is a great time saver and life hack for moms and dads living in this crazy busy world.
Amazon Prime has (almost) unlimited selections and delivered to your doorstep. So you spend NO WASTED TIME in a crowded parking lot only to accumulate one more “door ding” on your car. And you don’t have to deal with rude employees.
3.) – Spend Some ELECT-ronic Time at Panera Bread
Just some designated electronic time away from home. Take your lap top, tablets and phones with head sets and chargers.
Have some fun ELECT-ronic time at Panera Bread.
And just let your children watch their favorite Minecraft videos.
And play their favorite apps and games. (Headsets required: it’s a courtesy factor.)
We like to go to Panera Bread. And even McDonald’s has some quality wi-fi speeds.
4.) – Go to a Butterfly Garden.
Go to a Butterfly Park. And find the most UNUSUAL BUTTERFLY.
Yes, go to a butterfly garden.
And find the MOST UNUSUAL butterfly.
Take pictures and post a Butterfly Photo Album to Facebook.
And let your children write about their butterfly adventure in the album description. In their own words. No editing.
Challenge your children to a contest to see who can get the most “likes” on their best picture.
5.) – Climb Trees.
This is Lucas climbing a BIG HAIRY SCARY tree.
We have a great tree climbing park near our home. And Lucas loves to climb the trees.
Remember to take your first aid kit.
Take pictures. Of course, you can always wear your best super hero costume to the tree climbing adventure.
“Take your favorite super hero to a tree climbing park” – Captain America
And don’t just watch your children climb trees. You climb too. That’s a good “selfie” opportunity.
6.) – Talk to a Police Officer. Intentionally.
Not while you’re getting a traffic ticket. Instead stop and talk to a police officer. Intentionally. And make a new friend.
Daniel (in red) spending time with his new friend, Paul.
On a hot and humid Florida summer day, Daniel took an ice cold sports beverage to Paul (from Canada), a former police officer and the security guard at the entrance to our community.
Paul made a new friend.
And Daniel made a new friend and learned about all of the cool stuff on Paul’s belt. Daniel now has a healthy opinion of who a security officer is.
7.) – Do a Make Over.
I mean a complete Make Over with your daughter.
Do a Make-Over with your daughter.
Dads, if you do this, you will learn a lot. And you will get connected at a different level with your daughter.
Do this today. While your little princess will still let you touch her hair. You WILL be “walking her down the aisle soon”enough. And that “walk down the aisle” WILL cost more than a trip to Disney.
8.) – Pet Some Puppies.
Go to a pet store. And pet some puppies.
Pet some puppies. But leave your wallet at home.
The puppies are so cute.
And your children are so persuasive. So be careful. “Leave your wallet at home.”
9.) – Study Eyes. And Ears. And … ?
Study eyes and ears AND mouths. And take some pictures.
Learn about eyes. And ears. They’re kinda weird when you just look at them by themselves. Especially your ears.
Learn how they work. Search the interWEB and see what you can learn.
I am. Is this an appropriate time and place to talk about the “senseless” things that we experience in life ? I don’t really know. But – to heal – we must talk about this tragedy.
I don’t claim to understand the unthinkable.
I don’t claim to be a sage about mourning and healing.
I am just like you.
I’m a friend.
I’m confused and hurting and angry.
And I want some help trying to make sense of the senseless.
I’m just like you and I know that we need to mourn our recent tragedy. Even though I have no training nor expertise in mourning. Through experience, the process I use to mourn is to talk and write and to vent and rant. And PRAY for HEALING for the living. Yes, it’s very sad, but Marley and Brodie are in a safe and comfortable place.
I do not understand what happened.
Nor do I understand WHY.
I do NOT believe that I will EVER adequately understand this tragedy.
Nor do I want to believe that God in his/her wisdom allows bad things to happen. Right or wrong – that’s how I believe.
Healing Matters
When God gave man “free will,” I’m not sure that was such a wise decision. None of that really matters right now.
Kinds words heal and help.
Only healing matters now. For Brittnee and family and friends.
And for this shocked and struggling community.
After a tragedy, people need to mourn and to seek spiritual health and to find some level of peace within a disastrous event. People need to grieve as individuals AND as a community.
And we will all do our mourning somewhat differently. I believe our mourning eventually leads to some healing. Eventually and slowly.
Like many others, I have lost sleep and cried about this tragedy. And then cried some more.
And I have second-guessed every contact with Bill. I have mentally reviewed every phone conversation, every text, and even reread everyFacebook message I had with Bill. More than once.
Angry and Confused and Feeling Guilty
Right now most of my thoughts are in the “WTF” category !!!
I am angry and confused.
How can a GOOD God create such an EVILworld ?
How can people do the unthinkable ?
Why do good people do such shitty things ?
Why do CHILDREN have to be VICTIMS ?
God, what were you thinking when you gave man “free will” ?
Why, God ? WTF ! I’m angry, confused. I just don’t understand.
And then the guilt. My guilt really hurts. It’s even painful.
Everybody is feeling guilt right now.
You’re asking, “What could I have done better or differently?”
Everyone feels as if they could have somehow avoided this disaster.
Was I available enough for a troubled soul to talk and heal ?
Apparently not.
And, of course, NO ANSWERS SATISFY ME. And what’s the point of seeking answers? What if I did find quality answers to my questions? If I found an answer, my next question to that answer would be, “But WHY ?”
Empty and Helpless
Last night I found some temporary relief in ONE answer. One thought I found was: “The next time I hear a CRY FOR HELP from someone – anyone – I will take it MUCH MORE SERIOUSLY.”
No one should SUFFER SUCH PAINthat they seek a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I learned I will spend more time in prayer to ask God to guide me with the right words for the next hurting soul.
Obviously, my level of wisdom was not adequate. Yours either.
No one could ease Bill’s hurting soul.
Of course, my answer feels pretty empty since it can not change the outcome of this tragedy. I hear many people expressing this emptiness and helplessness in different ways.
Maybe we should STOP asking WHY.
And START doing the WHAT.
Kinds words heal and help – Proverbs 15:4 (The Message)
Kind actions heal and help as well.
You can help Brodie and Marley by providing funds to …
WHAT can we DO right now – today – for those living and struggling with pain and anger ? See the link at the bottom to help in a tangible way. Some friends have provided a way to help financially. Click here to help.
After living in the emptiness and helplessness for a few days and nights, I’m embracing (trying to embrace) the “WHAT” TO DO and giving the “WHY” back to my creator.
I’m INTENTIONALLY investing more time in the living –
my children,
my grandchildren,
my friends at Panera Bread,
the children in the church nursery at Casa de Paz, and
the parents at soccer practice.
And just because Bill’s life ended in a dark cloud of the unthinkable, I will NOT FORGET all of the GOOD that Bill did and all of the JOY that Bill brought to this world. This is an important part of my mourning process.
Yes, I feel confused.
I do feel frustrated with my helplessness.
I feel empty spiritually.
I am angry at the situation.
And I’m angry with my friend, Bill.
But I will leave the hating to somebody else. Marley and Brodie are in a safe and comfortable place now. I am sad but I find peace in the thought of Marley and Brodie’s safety.
The Bill That I Know
I WILL NOT FORGETall of the GOODthat Bill did and all of the JOYthat Bill brought to this world. This is an important part of my mourning process for Bill, Brodie and Marley. And for all of the family and friends.
Bill Williams in work mode
Business Bill
I first met Bill Williams in the lobby of a local Springfield, Missouri business. In a short time Bill and I developed a strong working relationship and an even stronger friendship. Bill’s work ethic and integrity were exemplary. Bill was an intense person as an employee and manager.
Bill gave as much or more than what he demanded. We joked that we were both work addicts – when he called me at midnight and 3:00 a.m. while he was reviewing some files and had some questions.
On one extreme “snow/ice day” in Springfield, Bill left his home four hours early to arrive on time at the office where we had five peopleout of 250 able to get to work that day. Bill EARNED my RESPECT. Quickly.
You could ALWAYS DEPEND on Bill. Keeping commitments, delivering more than expected, and going the extra mile were all standard procedures for Bill.
Bill was professional, like-able and strived to mentor people around him.
Daddy Bill
Bill’s Daddy Style was consistent in his real life with what you saw on Facebook.
Bill had fun evenings and weekends planned for his children. Bill was always sharing his “daddy joys” on Facebook and with friends. Few men enjoyed being a daddy and grandpa more than Bill Williams.
Bill loved …
camping OUTDOORS with his wife and children,
camping INDOORS with his children in his apartment, and
having fun and making GIANT KID MESSESwith his children withOUT regard for keeping the house clean.
This was Bill’s Daddy Style.
Hurting Bill
Bill started hurting badly in November 2014. I remember the exact day – Nov 14 – Bill called after we had not spoken in a while. We talked on the phone four times that day.
Bill was struggling with divorce, child custody, time pressures, work challenges. It seemed like Bill was faced with an overwhelming tsunami of life issues.
Bill was immersed in a critical time of wondering what to do with the end of the 3rd quarter and the beginning of the 4th quarter of his life. And all of the emotional challenges that come with this period in life.
But Bill was sincerely SEEKING ANSWERS to make the next right decision.People who have struggled with this period in their lives can relate to the struggle and the pain.
Like everyone else, I was concerned for Bill’s safety.I requested that he remove all firearms from his residence, his car, or any place where he had access.
I NEVER FEARED for the lives of his children.
That’s NOT a consideration for a person like Bill.
I was so wrong.
Prayers Requested
Prayers for Marley, Brodie and Bill. And all family and friends. Now the family and friends need you and me to openly grieve with them. And cry with them.
We all need to heal.
Prayers for yourself too.
Please know that my thoughts are heartfelt. Maybe my words will help some of you. Maybe not.
If you wanna vent or express your thoughts, fell free below.
If you think this blogpost isSELF-SERVING, then just DELETE.
This is a LONG, LONG ROAD…
…to recovery and healing. For everyone.
You can help Brodie and Marley Williams. And Brittnee.
Kind words heal and help – Proverbs 15:4 (The Message)