Category Archives: Brand Image

your readers are NOT readers. anymore. they’re scanners.

Your readers are scaNNers.

Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore. Yep !! They ARE scaNNers.

readers are leaders
we USED TO BE readers

Watch your 11-year-old daughter or granddaughter. Does she really actually READ anything anymore? Except when required for school?

And. Then. Does she read her social studies assignment? Or just scan for the answers to the questions?

And whom do advertisers target? The 11-year-old mind? Yes. Advertisers target that 11-year-old ADD “ping – ponging” mind.

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Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore.

So if you think that your audience is patient enough to read your academic treatise – your weekly manifesto – that boring monthly email or newsletter.

You are so wrong.

If someone tells you that they read your blog (your important emails, your monthly newsletter) – every word – every time. They are being REALLY nice. Or they work for you. And are afraid to tell you what they think.

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your readers are scanners
your readers are scroLLing and scaNNing

Your readers are scaNNers.

Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore.

Take a quick trip with me right now. And…

…and travel with me to my Panera Bread at Lake Nona in Florida…

… and imagine you’re sitting here with me this morning at Panera Bread watching people arrive in our little neighborhood.

Watching all of them arrive. Watching…

  • the business people
  • people dressed for job interviews
  • moms with babies and strollers 
  • the early morning runners and walkers
  • the retired folks 
  • the students
  • those Bible Study Guys, and
  • the laptop and iPad people. 

What’s that in their hands?

No, not their car keys. It’s their mobile device. Usually their phone. And most are not talking on their phones when they come through the door. They are scroLLing and scaNNing. 

When they are standing in line alone, you see this. They are…

  • scrolling
  • quick pause
  • slight smile
  • scrolling some more
  • now a frown
  • continue scrolling
  • another smile 
  • tapping the screen
  • pinching the screen.

All done in 13 seconds or less. And then she places her order.

So you have just 13 seconds. To capture her attention. And to communicate “whatever.”

This is her mobile moment. This is your mobile moment.

Just 13 seconds. 

*    *    *    *    *    *

Consuming data. Constantly.

And mostly visual data. Some print. But mostly visual data. They just keep scroLLing. MoMMie scroLLers pushing baby stroLLers. This is your mobile audience.

(Detailed research to come soon in my next blogpost – ScaNNers – version 2.0 – featuring the Mobile Moment and Gamification)

Even grandma and grandpa sit down with their coffee and two strawberry pastries. And their matching iPads or android tablets.

your readers are scanners
great grandparents t00 – with mobile devices 

Oh no. Grandma and grandpa are scroLLers and scaNNers, too. 

I have conducted unofficial research with my friends at Panera Bread. And with grandchildren. Observing how they consume digital data.

And using an objective questionnaire while reading and after reading a blogpost. This research confirmed. They are scaNNers and scroLLers, and NOT READERS.

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Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore.

So don’t fight it.

If you write a blog, emails for your business, or that boring church newsletter.

Address the scaNNing and scroLLing generation. Embrace this new “reader.” And make your blog (email, newsletter) more readable, more scaNNable.

Have a Readability Plan 

Embrace this change…

  • with an “ease of reading” plan
  • and with great images
  • and white spaces
  • and page breaks
  • and bulleted lists

Use images that pop. First. First? Yes, first. 

focus on the process
use images with a CLEAR meSSage 

Use images that pop. AND STOP. Stop the eyes of your scaNNing reader. 

Headlines used to be the king of blogging. But not anymore. Images – not HEADlines – demand that I stop and read your headline. Images first. For your scanning reader.

images can pop AND STOP
images CAN pop. AND STOP

Images that pop AND STOP. And NOT those overused and “oh-so-traditional” dull and boring images that p00p, not pop (like two well-dressed business people in suits and ties – one white man and one black man – shaking hands – that is so 1980’s). I want to yawn just thinking about that picture.

*    *    *    *    *    *

Create clear topical headlines…

…that allow me to scan to an area that I want to read.

Insert INTENTional page breaks…

[ like this ]

[ six (6) colored and BOLDED and (centered) asterisks ]

[this concept thanks to my grandson, DREW]

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Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore.

So insert INTENTional page breaks…

…that allow me to stop reading. That gives me permission to take a break from reading. While I order my coffee and bagel with my favorite roasted vegetable medley (yum) cream cheese. And while I respond to that demanding (ping) notification on my tablet.

And then those same intentional page breaks create a “mental bookmark” in my mind’s eyes where I stopped scanning. And allow me to come back to your blogpost. To continue my scanning and “reading.”

Page breaks allow your words to breathe.

[Maybe we should rename this type of reading – screading / screaNNing (pronounced scr-EE-ning). Our new blogging word for 2016 – a mashup  of reading, scrolling and scanning.]

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reading takes you places
read-ability is eSSential

Readability is eSSential. 

Click this link to Ease of Reading. And use a tool like Yoast to teach you the discipline of intentional readability. To be readable, ya must score above an 80 on the Flesch Reading Ease Test. Ya gotta go to the link and read – not scan – “reading ease score” to understand this last sentence. 

A Concern about Too Many Images

Do images slow the loading time of your blog? And negatively affect your SEO and g00gle love.

Yes. So compress your images.

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What should you do NOW?

Intentionally criticize this blog. In the comments below.

See if I practice what I preach. What changes would you make?

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Info disclosure: This blogpost…

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More info is coming.

The mobile moment is the heart and science of this discussion. And gamification and addiction to Candy Crush are critical to understanding the mobile moment.

Read the Mobile Mindshift. This book is a game changer for your organization. Buy it here.

Your readers are NOT readers. Anymore.

They are the Mobile moMMie scroLLers.

These Mobile moMMie scroLLers pushing giant baby stroLLers. (My Dr. Seuss moment) This is your target market. They buy stuff on their tablets from Amazon. While they’re running with their babies.

If you miss their mobile moment, you lose. You lose in business. And you lose in any other place where you are trying to get the attention of your “scroLLing and scaNNing reader.” Including your church email or your lengthy charity newsletter.

More info is coming. About your scanning reader and her mobile moment.

All of which will teach you how to keep your viewer engaged in this “New York City nano-second kinda world.”

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angelina jolie 600x365 WP featured image
pay aTTention to what grandpa is saying

Stay connected to America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa. 

And now you can save some time…

…by just joining our ongoing party. Share your email address right here. Right now. Just do it, Ya know ya wanna hear more. From America’s GRUMPiest Grandpa. 

( grandpa will NOT spam you )

[mc4wp_form id=”2441″]

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 [ end of Your READers Are NOT READers ]

10 Lessons to Learn from Women’s World Cup Soccer 2015 and the Final Match with USA and Japan

10 Lessons to Learn from Women’s World Cup Soccer 2015 and the Final Match with USA and Japan 

Sporting events teach us some great lessons in life. Here are 10 lessons to learn from US WNT 2015.

But wait !!! If you live in the USA, you probably will NOT qualify to…

Qualify to what … ? Only a handful of  people in the USA will qualify to read and understand this blog.

Here are the Five (5) Requirements to Qualify to …

… to read and benefit from this blog.
  1. Ya gotta know International Futbol (called soccer by the peeps of the USA).
  2. Ya gotta love Women’s World Cup Soccer.
  3. You must have watched all seven (7) of USA World Cup Matches, especially
  4. The entire Final Match of Women’s World Cup Soccer 2105 – USA v Japan.
  5. And most of all, ya gotta believe.
USWNT 2015 - ya gotta believe
USWNT 2015 – i believe that we will win – click the pic to see… Carli’s Magical GOAL !

If you do NOT qualify on all five points,

… you have not earned the right to understand this blog.

So just share it with a friend to see if they qualify. On all five points.

Sporting events are great teachers for the lessons of life.

Here Are the Ten [10] Lessons to …

… to learn from the World Cup Tournament and the Final Match of World Cup Soccer with USA and Japan. You will understand these 10 points if you were watching and “listening” to the matches.

Lesson # 1 – Here’s how to create…

… to create a stand alone and highly recognizable brand.
US WNT 2015 - No Maybes - Dominate with ExceLLence
No Maybes – Dominate with ExceLLence – click image to buy US Jersey

Dominate and show your excellence.

Just do it.
Then no one compares you to anything else.
USA futbol aficionados have now stopped comparing every match to 1999.
US WNT 2015 - Women's World Cup Soccer 2015
US WNT 1999 – Brandi Chastain – No More Comparing 
Or how close the USA came to victory four years ago. It is done. The USA dominated and made a worldwide statement.
Do it. Accept no maybes.
US WNT 2015 – a new level of excellence – ya gotta believe

Women’s World Cup Soccer 2015 has now defined…

… a new level of excellence. Here is the new brand of excellence – US WNT 2015.
Read about how US Women Shattered TV Ratings (23 million). Newer information says 25.4 million viewers watched the USA defeat Japan to win the Women’s World Cup title.
Ya gotta believe.

Lesson # 2 –  Once you have momentum,

… use it. When you survive the Group of Death, you start believing. They call it the Group of Death for a reason.

And when you defeat a giant like Germany,

… you can conquer the other Goliaths of the world.
Ya gotta believe.

Lesson # 3 –  When  you have a hungry closer …

US WNT 2015 - Women's World Cup Soccer 2015
Carli Lloyd – Unleash Her – Let Her Run Loose – click pic to see US tank top  jersey
… at your business or a hungry striker on your team, let her run loose.
  • Untethered.
  • Unleash her.
  • She just might have a world record hat trick in her untapped arsenal. Ya never know. Ya gotta believe.

Lesson # 4 –  When it’s game time, be fast

… and furious. Score early and score often. The so-called Giants are beatable. Ask Carli Lloyd for clarification on this point.
Ya gotta believe.

Lesson # 5 –  After you get your world record

… your world record hat trick, just keep firing. Raise the bar for the next world record.
Why ? Hey, this needs no explanation.
Ya gotta believe.

Lesson # 6 –  When you have just won

.. the game of your life – when you have won the ultimate victory, good for you. But wait !!! You now have more to do.

This is the time for some humility.

  • Acknowledge your trainers, your parents, your support system – who have all sacrificed more than you have.
  • Respect the pioneers who led the way.
  • Put your pioneers in the front and center to lift the trophy. The trophy that they – NOT YOU – rightfully earned.

The pioneers (and your team’s defenders) have spent

US WNT 2015 - Julie Johnston - defense wins championships
Julie Johnston – defense wins championships – click her pic to see Julie’s Facebook page

… have spent more time earning that coveted trophy than you – even if you did score the goals.
  • You did NOT get there on your own.
  • You are standing on the shoulders of your worn and torn pioneers.
  • Even if they are sitting in the stands or on the bench today.

Lesson # 7 –  Celebrate your unsung heroes

… unsung heroes -like  Morgan Brian. Honor your play makers – even if others do not. Especially when others do not. In fact, honor your play makers more than your goal scorers.
The people who really understand the game – the people who really matter – know who the play makers are. Those who create the opportunities for you to score. 
Morgan Brian allowed Holiday and Lloyd to combine for four goals. Allowed is the operative word. That is, created opportunities for others to score.
Meghan Klingenberg - StreetFighter and US Defender - US WNT 2015
Meghan Klingenberg – StreetFighter and US Defender
And the tireless defenders who kept the team in the game. By making the other team pay for every inch of artificial turf trespassed with their blood. And sweat. And tears. And then more blood.

Lesson # 8 – Coaching Matters.

US WNT 2015 Jill Ellis - coaching matters
Jill Ellis – Yes, Coaching DOES matter.
Yes, coaching does matter. As the tournament progressed, so did the USA. Was this just luck ?
Luck, no. The team and the coach progressed – strategically and intentionally. With a great coaching plan. 
Luck ? Winners do not believe in luck. Winners just grind and then grind some more. Winners create their own luck. Losers create excuses.

Coaching Matters.

A lot. More than players will admit. Not everyone in the USA agreed with the coaching strategies of Jill Ellis. What ? One of the world’s leading goal scorers was sitting on the bench.
But coach Jill Ellis had coaching integrity. Doing what was right for the team – regardless of what others were thinking and saying.
US WNT 2015 World Cup Soccer
No room for whiners. ONLY WINNERS. Click pic to see “divers and cheaters” 
And no players were whining.
There’s no room for whiners on a winning team.
US WNT 2015 - Hope Solo
Hope Wears the # 1 for a Reason – Hope Works Solo Sometimes – click pic for more HOPE !

And if you have the world’s best goalkeeper,

… use her – regardless. She can “ice” the world’s best PK shooter by just being herself – and she can do it Solo. When it matters. Coaching matters. Ya gotta believe.
Solo vs Sasic of Germany - solo iced sasic
Solo iced Celia Sasic – a near perfect PK shooter – click pic for details

Lesson # 9 –   Ya gotta peak

… at the right time – at exactly the right time. US WNT’s first matches in the group stage were definitely underwhelming.

US WNT 2015 - Megan Rapinoe - peak at the righ time
Megan Rapinoe – ya gotta peak at the RIGHT time – CLICK PIC for MORE Megan

Do you expect your employees

… to give their peak performance all the time every day? If you do, then you don’t know much about performance.
Ask the performance experts. I don’t have the time nor the patience to explain this one to you. Ya gotta believe. Believe me.

Lesson # 10 –  Cheesy Slogans Still Work.

  • Yes, believe.
  • I believe…
  • I believe that…
  • I believe. Do you ?

Your opinion matters. Comment below. 

fun things to do for kids this summer
Your coMMents maTTer…

At what point (which game, which play) did you start believing in the US WNT 2015 ? Comment below.

I’ll start. I starting believing in match # 5 (?) – the (?) quarterfinal match – USA v Germany – when Hope Solo, the US Goalkeeper, “iced” Germany’s Celia Sasic on a critical PK. Up to this point, Germany had been nearly perfect in PK’s. And Solo’s antics and mind game literally jumbled the neurons in the mind of Germany’s Sasic to the point where Sasic missed the entire goal. Only Hope Solo could do this. Incredible. At that point, ya just gotta believe.

Selfies Gonna Kill Ya ! ! !

Selfies gonna kill ya – sooner or later.

No doubt that we are living in the year of – no, the DECADE of the “selfie.”

 Selfies come in many different varieties:

  • the “best friends”selfie,
  • the “at the bar” selfie,
  • the “at the beach” selfie,
  • the “lots of cleavage” selfie,
  • the “new car / new house / new girl friend” selfie,
  • and the ultimate “death by selfie.” Click here for video.

Obsessed With Your Own Reflection ?

Greek mythology would call this an “obsession with our own reflection” based on Narcissus, a character in Greek mythology who became obsessed with his own reflection. Narcissus was renowned for his pride and drowned while trying to reach his own reflection in a pool.

Political Suicide Selfie

Then there is the political suicide by selfie by USA’s “Selfie-in-Chief.”

Obama Selfie at Nelson Mandela's Memorial
Obama Selfie at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial

Like it or not, you are living in the Decade of the Selfie.

Just remember the first celebrity selfie did not end well. Narcissus drowned while trying to reach his own reflection in a pool.

That’s where we get the word narcissism.

Those Bible Study Guys Are So VERY RUDE

Those Bible Study Guys …

… are so VERY RUDE.  But… read more.

But. There might be some hope for those Bible Study Guys.

Our Neighborhood Is a Friendly Neighborhood

Welcome to our neighborhood on Panera Bread Boulevard in Florida. This is a real neighborhood. I’m at Panera Bread observing my “laptop-with-a-coffee”  neighborhood and friends on a typical Tuesday morning.

it's a friendly neighborhood
it’s a friendly neighborhood

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Meet My Friends in the Neighborhood

It is 7:00 a.m. on this beautiful Florida morning. I arrived at 6:05 a.m.  to write my blogposts, and I have already greeted and been greeted by:

  • Jim – the pleasant regional sales manager – who has daily morning and afternoon meetings with his sales guys
  • John – the general manager of this Panera Bread neighborhood – always greeting guests and spending some time with the Panera Bread neighborhood “regulars” like me
  • Joe and his two super coder geeks – all three are website developers for a major Fortune 100 Firm – and they always speak geek in short HTML phrases and are very helpful to the non geek neighbors
  • My real estate broker friend waiting for his newest clients
  • My pediatrician friend who enjoys his morning coffee at his favorite spot with his iPad and a book
  • Juan always greets me – a Panera employee who works hard on the drive-through food prep line
  • The maintenance guy – Jonathan – who comes straight to the Panera neighborhood from his night job at the Orlando International Airport
  • The smiling lady who is a employee for a consulting company in Missouri called Tim Miles and Company. We became acquainted because she was reading a book from one of my favorite authors – Gary Vaynerchuk – Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook .

A Pleasant Morning in the Neighborhood

And I have exchanged morning pleasantries with at least four other regular customers and friends in our “laptop-with-a-coffee” neighborhood.

It is really a pleasant and friendly work environment.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Conspicuously Distant and Seemingly Rude

That’s why those Bible Study Guys are such an anomaly – so obviously distant, and they are such an awkward non-fit in our happy little neighborhood. This is really a modern day “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.”

These Bible Study Guys are setting to the left of me and less than ten feet away from me; and I do NOT know ONE person’s name. They are “regulars.” They meet at 7:00 a.m. every Tuesday morning and sit in the same place.

those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Why Waste My Time with This Group?

The only time they have ever responded to me is when I tried to initiate conversation one morning.

After that failed attempt, why would I want to invest any more energy in them when the rest of the neighbor is so friendly ?

Distinct Brand Image

you create your own distinct brand image
you create your own distinct brand image

I wonder if they are aware that they have created a DISTINCT BRAND IMAGE for all Bible Study Guys – a brand that is unfriendly and distant in a very friendly neighborhood.

The rudeness of these Bible Study Guys is a direct reflection on the BRAND IMAGE and brand equity of the “Business of JESUS.” These Bible Study Guys are Brand Partners of the “Business of JESUS.” They are the only Brand Partners of Jesus that some people will ever see.

So how do they impact the brand of JESUS ?

If I had to judge the brand of the “Business of Jesus” solely by these Bible Study Guys, I would say they have a distant and rude brand culture.

And the product they represent – Jesus – must also be distant and rude. 

What’s the Point of my Rant?

The point: be keenly aware of your brand identity and that you have an impact on your brand (your company or whatever you represent) by what you DO and by what you DO NOT DO.

You may the only brand of your product that someone sees. 

 *    *    *    *    *    *

Not a Neutral Brand Image

those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE

Your actions create a brand that is either ATTRACTIVE (I want to be part of your group) or UNATTRACTIVE (I don’t want to be a part of your group).

And you seldom create a NEUTRAL brand image.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

What Brand Do You Represent ?

You may NOT always get to choose the brand that you represent.

What Is Your Brand Image ?

you choose your own brand image
you choose your own brand image

But you DO get to CHOOSE your BRAND IMAGE.

How’s your brand image ?

People are ALWAYS watching.

Bible Study Guys Represent a Quality Brand

The Bible Study Guys have chosen to represent a quality brand.

I believe that these Bible Study Guys believe in their brand, but they are UNAWARE that they are the early morning BRAND PARTNERS of the “Business of Jesus” in their neighborhood.

And they have created a negative Brand Image for their product.

 *    *    *    *    *    *

As Brand Partners …

… they are (and we are) highly  visible and always being judged.

How is your Brand Image looking ?

You have chosen your brand.

Now. Choose your brand image wisely.

Discover what is true for you

So that you don’t miss any updates or FREE stuff …

Please ! Your name and email address.yikes 150 x 150

Then click the magic button. Thanks.

those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE
those Bible Study Guys are so RUDE