Category Archives: Emerging Authors

frEEd – chapter 3 – jim

frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me…

frEEd ? chapter 3 – jim

excerpts from “frEEd ?”

by penelope waFFle

frEEd ? New York Times Best Seller

frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me. 

*    *    *    *    *    *

Oh, Martha. I’m so very, very soRRy. 

I woke up to needles…

…pricking at my flesh. As I struggled to get out of the hedge’s prickly grasp, I spotted — out of the corner of my eyes — a tiny house. And I knew what a tiny house was because my owner had one.

There were no lights on.

So I assumed nobody was there. Looking left and then right. Slowly. To make sure no one was there, I quietly approached the tiny house.

The door was already open, though, by just a crack. I opened the door wider and carefully peered inside. On a small table sat a plate with a modest smidgen of salted pork and roasted potatoes on it.

I had already run away. So what was the point in not eating the food? Besides, I was famished.

*    *    *    *    *    *

The first bite of the fOOd…

…was scrumptious and filled my mouth with delight. The flavor exploded in my mouth. I had never eaten anything so delicious.

All I ever had to eat…

…was a little cornmeal, lard, and greens. I chewed slowly, savoring the roasted potatoes. Soon — way too soon — I finished the fOOd. I felt way more full than I had ever been.

“If only Martha was here,” I heard myself think. Outloud.

Martha. I suddenly stood up straight. Alarmed.

Where was Martha?

Is she okay?

Did she manage to escape?

Or is she still with her owner?

All the happiness I had abruptly vanished.

Instead, when I realized what might have happened to Martha, I began to sob.

“Oh, Martha, I’m so sorry. I’m so very, very sorry,” I wept.

*    *    *    *    *    *

frEEd – but not reaLLy frEE – read chapter 2 – martha

*    *    *    *    *    *

Hi, my real name is …

… Vivaka. I like my real name. But my pen name is penelope waFFle. ‘Cuz I like waFFles. And I reaLLy like puTTing double caps in the miDDle of words. And I like pink.  

And my grandpa says…

I am the “next big thing” to hit the history thriller book market. Hey, why not ? I’m writing about one chapter per month.

I’m 11 years old.

My name is penelope waFFle, and I’m gonna be a New York Times Best Selling Author by age 12.

*    *    *    *    *    *

frEEd – chapter 2 – martha

frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me…

Hard, sharp ropes cut dEEp …

… into the blOOdy skin on my wrists.
frEEd ? New York Times Best Seller
frEEd ? but never frEE. not for me

Men were behind me, ready to beat me with their whips.

frEEd ? chapter 2 – martha

excerpts from “frEEd ?”

by penelope waFFle

And I braced myself to feel  more pain in my already bloody back.

A few seconds paSSed.

Seemed like hours.
I was starting to think my new owner changed his mind. But then I felt a sharp, clear ache cutting into the shredded skin on my back.

I opened my mouth to scream.

I had to scream, but no sound would come out.
frEEd ? but never frEE
frEEd ? but never frEE

“Ain’t no one gonna help ya, sweetie,” my owner chided.

Suddenly I found my voice. “Jim!” I screamed. “Jim! Help me.”
Another dig in my skin with the handle end of his whip. This one harder than the last.
“Ain’t no one comin’ ta help ya. Ya know why?”

My owner bent down so close …

… to my face that I could feel his tobacco breathe on my neck. And his lips were level with my ear.
“Cause no one cares ’bout ya,” he snarled.
“Yes. Yes, they do.” My voice was barely a whisper. Tears of shame and rage and fear rolled down my cheeks.
“Oh really? Where are they now? Too scared, huh?” My owner taunted. “I’ll even let them pass if they a-comin’ right now.”

Here was my one chance.

frEEd ? but never reaLLy frEE. not for me
frEEd ? but never reaLLy frEE. not for me
“They’re too scared. And they don’t care ’bout you. Which is exactly why no one has come for ya.”
It felt like he was trying to kiss my neck. And he started touching me. Below. Where he shouldn’t…

I thought. My dizzy mind raced.

Did I dare do this now? His face became flushed, clearly enjoying what he was doing.
His fingers holding the whip loosened. And then, without even realizing it, my owner dropped it.

 In that split second …

… I picked it up, banged the wooden whip handle against his head as hard as I could.
And then hands came out of nowhere. Before I could scream, dirty fingers covered my mouth. I tried to pry them off, but they gripped even tighter over my mouth.
The last thing I remembered hearing was “Be careful. She’s dangerous, Scott.”
And then I felt someone opening my mouth, and putting something in it.

The last thing I reMEmber before I blacked out.

frEEd – but not reaLLy frEE – chapter 1 – bill

Hi, my real name is …

frEEd ? the next New York Times Best Seller
frEEd ? by penelope waFFle

… Vivaka. I like my real name. But my pen name is penelope waFFle. ‘Cuz I like waFFles. And I reaLLy like puTTing double caps in the miDDle of words.

I like pink.

And my grandpa says …

I am the “next big thing” to hit the history thriller book market. Hey, why not ? I’m writing about one chapter per month.

I’m 11 years old.

My name is penelope waFFle, and I’m gonna be a New York Times Best Selling Author by age 12.

frEEd – the next New York Times Best Seller

Thud, thud, thud.

My feet pounded the sidewalk.

frEEd ? the next New York Time's Best Seller
frEEd ? but never reaLLy free. not for me. never frEE

Thud, thud, thud.

My heart was pounding and my mind was racing.

frEEd ? Chapter 1 – Jim

excerpts from “frEEd ?”

by penelope waFFle

Thud, thud, thud. My heart was pounding, and my mind was racing.
Running towards … towards what ?
FrEEdom ?

I doubt it.

There is no frEEdom. Not for me.
There was a biGGer reason I was running. It was Bill.

The sound was faint.

Like it was in the distance. It was in my head just for a second, but I know that I did hear it.
I imagined poor dead Bill. Still on the sidewalk, just lying there.

Poor dead Bill. Bleeding. His face was smashed. Poor dead Bill looked more like roadkill. Than a man.

Blood oozing from his ears and mouth.
My eyes started welling up dangerously, with tears to the brim. Tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

But I held it all inside.

Just like I always do. I had to. I had no choice.
I had developed this ability when my owners tied me to a pole and beat me.
On a good day, they just called me names and slapped me.
My sore legs tingled, bringing me back to the present. I rounded another corner. And immediately spotted an overgrown hedge.

I dove into the prickly hedge

… breathing heavily. My owner passed still cradling his favorite shotgun.

He looked for me.

For nearly 5 minutes, but it seemed like forever.
Then he quit. Finally he left. At least, I hoped he had left.
It took a while for me to slow my breathing and to control my heart rate.
When I realized my owner was finally gone. I let out a BIG, but silent, yawn.

I noticed how tired I was.

My eyelids drOOped, my feet ached, and my legs burned.
Maybe I can sleep for just five minutes. Please. Just 5 minutes is all I need.
This was my last thought before I fell asleep.

chapter 2 – martha 

frEEd ? the next New York Times Best Seller
frEEd ? but never frEE. by penelope waFFle

Hi, my real name is …

… Vivaka. I like my real name. But my pen name is penelope waFFle. ‘Cuz I like waFFles. And I reaLLy like puTTing double caps in the miDDle of words.

And grandpa says …

I am the “next big thing” to hit the history thriller book market. Hey, why not ?

I’m 11 years old,

my name is penelope waFFle, and I’m gonna be a New York Times Best Selling Author by age 12.