Category Archives: Wordz 4 U

Wordz4U [006]

Be Cool or Be the Angry Fool.

Be cool or be an angry fool - Bobby Knight
Be cool or be the angry fool – Bobby Knight


… from a wise (not me) and seasoned parent and Sunday School teacher.

And I’ll say it for you in several different ways.

You pick the expression you WANT TO USE, and use it TODAY.

The first choice is MY CHOICE for today.

Because it just rolls off my tongue the easiest.

Be cool or act the fool.

Be patient. When you’re NOT COOL, you LOOK like a FOOL.

Be cool or be fool - Mark Cuban
Be cool or look the fool – Mark Cuban

Be Cool or Be the Angry Fool.

  • Be patient, or look the fool.
  • Be cool or act the fool.
  • Fools have short fuses.
  • Fools EXPLODE all too quickly.
  • But the wise QUIETLY shrug off insults.
  • A fool vents freely, but the WISE MAN keeps himself under control.
  • A fools shows ALL HIS ANGER, but the wise “stills” his feelings.
  • A fool lets it all hang out, but a sage QUIETLY mulls it over.
  • The RASH language of a fool CUTS and MAIMS.
  • But the words of the WISE HEAL.
  • Be patient.
  • Be CALMLY diligent.

References: Proverbs 12:16 – 18 

Proverbs 29:11 (from various versions)

My Personal Story

I have lived a life time of “losing my cool” due to my anger and lack of patience.

I can recall many embarrassing moments and regrets about my angry behavior. Angry moments as a coach and parent (and grandparent) and spouse.

Remember, your words can “cut and maim.” You do NOT get a second chance to “un-say” those hateful words or to “re-do” those regretful moments.

You can NOT “un-ring the bell.”

These angry moments are PERMANENT in the minds of the TARGETS OF YOU ANGER and impatience. Usually, the ones you love the most.

Be cool or be the angry fool - Mark Cuban
Be cool or be the angry fool – Mark Cuban

Questions for You | and Me ?

  • When is the last time you LOST YOUR COOL and looked like the fool ?
  • Do you know the TRIGGERS for losing your cool ?
  • Have you ever seen someone else lose their cool ?
  • How BAD did they look ?
  • How do you look when you lose your cool ?
  • How do others see you when you lose your cool ?


  • How do your CHILDREN see you ?
  • How does your SPOUSE see you ?
  • How do your CO-WORKERS see you ?


Ya gotta ask yourself, “Do I wanna change ?”

After your ACTIONS and WORDS have “MAIMED” someone, apologies do NOT HEAL the wounds.

Apologies are weak. 

CHANGE in YOUR ACTIONS is the only solution.

And the only CHANGES THAT MATTER are the changes you make.


CHANGES YOU MAKE TODAY. The only changes that matter. 

Wordz4U [004]

Here are Today’s Words For You …

… to read while you’re in the car line

  • at school,
  • at the bank or
  • at Panera Bread.

More on WISDOM – hmmm !!!

If you’re struggling with defining what wisdom is, don’t woRRy.

The whole world is. I’m STILL creating my personal WORKING DEFINITION of wisdom.

Here’s my best definition so far.

Wisdom is …

  • making good decisions by
  • applying relevant knowledge,
  • applying relevant experience, and
  • applying intuitive understanding and thinking.

Experience is my great teacher.

My OWN experience is a gOOd teacher.

But other people’s experience is a much beTTer and a much, MUCH CHEAPER teacher.

It’s just more COST EFFECTIVE to learn from other people’s experiences. And it involves LESS PAIN.

Let me tell you …

… about WISDOM using “Lady Wisdom” as a personality from Proverbs 8 in the Bible.

Listen to Lady Wisdom. Or else.

LADY WISDOM is SHOUTing. "Get some gOOd sense. Or else."
LADY WISDOM is SHOUTing. “Get some gOOd sense. Or else.

Lady Wisdom …

… is at the busiest intersection in your town.

Lady Wisdom is at First and Main Streets.

Lady Wisdom is …

  • at the “busiest intersections” in you life
  • available EVERYWHERE 
  • on your phone
  • could be as close as your favorite app (like Candy Crush)
  • shouting at you.

Listen to WISDOM.

  • Do NOT MISS any words.
  • Do NOT MISS one blogpost, one tweet, one update or one video from Lady Wisdom.
  • Lady Wisdom is SHOUTing.
  • Listen ! You fOOl ! You idiot !
  • Get some gOOd sense ! You blockheads !”

Warnings from LADY WISDOM

Ignore wisdom and the consequences are severe.

  • You will SQUANDER your life.
  • You will DAMAGE your soul.
  • When you ignore wisdom, you’re FLIRTING with DEATH.

Embrace wisdom AND

  • Become the most bleSSed.
  • Is there MONEY involved ? I don’t know. But …
  • Don’t SQUANDER your life – your PRECIOUS life.
  • The benefits are worth more than a BIG $alary.
  • More than even a VERY BIG $alary.
  • So choose wisdom’s life-disciplines OVER just chasing MONEY.

The returns (ROI) on wisdom EXCEED ANY IMAGINABLE BONUS.

Important links for you:



Wordz4U [003]

Here are today’s Wordz 4 U !!!

Better than FacebOOk surfing.

Words 4 U to READ while you’re in the CAR LINE

  • at school,
  • at your bank, and
  • at Panera Bread.

Treasure WISdom.

  • Do what wisdom tells you.
  • What’s wisdom ?
  • Wisdom is a combination of insight , relevant knowledge and experience, and intuitive thinking. What ?
  • Knowledge,
  • Experience, and
  • Intuitive thinking that is relevant.

So sEEk WISDOM from sources that have…  

  • relevant knowledge,
  • relevant experience, and
  • intuitive thinking.

Do what WiSdOm says and you’ll live weLL.

  • Wisdom is as precious as your EYEsight.
  • Protect it.
  • And write it on the back of you hands,
  • OR in EVERnote.
  • And put WISDOM in your SmArT phone.
When you find WISDOM, protect it like your EYEsight !!
When you find WISDOM, protect it like your EYEsight !!

Questions 4 U ?

  • What are YOUR sources for wisdom ?
  • Do YOUR sources have relevant knowledge, relevant experience, and perceptive insights ?
  • Do your sources have favorable results ?
  • What is the track record of your sources for wisdom ? 
  • Is it time to RECHECK and REthink your sources for wisdom ?

Once you find a source of wisdom …

  • Protect it.
  • Protect it like your EYEsight.
  • Treat WISDOM as a dear friend.
  • Write it on the back of your hands.
  • Put it in your smart phone.
  • Make notes of WISDOM in EVERnote.

Check these links for more CAR LINE reading.


Wordz4U [002]

Here are the Wordz4U to FOLLOW today.

Specially designed for reading while you’re in the car line

  • at school,
  • at the bank, and
  • at Panera Bread.

Learn a leSSon from the ANTS.

  • Look at the ant
  • Let the ant teach you a thing or two
  • All suMMer the ant stores fOOd for winter
  • At the harvest the ant stockpiles provisions
file your taxes early
How’s your focus and passion today ? Face your FEARS !!!

And what NOT TO DO …

  • Take a nap here and there.
  • Take a day off here and there.
  • Sit back and take it easy.
  • Play a video game.
  • Watch a NetFlix movie.

And what comes next ?

  • A dirt-poor life
  • Poverty

And QUESTIONS 4 U to ask today?

  • What can you learn from the ants today ?
  • What is your biggest time-waster ?
  • Video games ?
  • NetFlix ?
  • Facebook ?
  • Office gossip ?

Check your focus and your work habits.

Based on Proverbs 06 from YouVersion !!!

Go here too …

… for more car line reading. 

Wordz4U [001]

Wordz4U [001]

Here are Wordz4U to FOLLOW today:

  • Listen to wisdom || CLOSELY
  • Acquire a TASTE for GOOD sense || wisdom
  • Let wisdom KEEP you out of TROUBLE
  • Listen to your MENTORS
  • Embrace a DISCIPLINED life
  • Take your teachers SERIOUSLY
  • Never take LOVE for granted
  • Do NOT be EXPLOITED by those who do NOT CARE for you

And Questions 4 U to Ask Today ?

  • Did U listen to UR mentors / teachers today ?
  • Do you even KNOW who UR mentors / teachers are ?
  • Using ur WISDOM, can U reTHINK something U did today ?
  • Using ur WISDOM, can U reDO something U did today ?
America's Grumpiest Grandpa
Wisdom Will Keep You Out of Trouble || Know Who UR Mentors Are

Based on Proverbs 05 from YouVersion !!!

Go here too …

… for more car line reading.