COVID-19? What Does This Make Possible?

COVID-19 – the Decade of the First Six Months of 2020

Stay-at-home order. Masks in public places.

Occupancy limited to 25% of maximum. Now 50% occupancy.

Stand in line at Walmart just to enter the store. This chaotic decade called the first half of 2020 has been. . . (?)

My thoughts on this “Decade called 2020” are not printable for the general public.

Instead ask, “What does this make possible?”

Our concerns are:

Will my business survive?

Can I keep and pay my quality employees?

Will the businesses around me survive?

Will the U.S. Government, as we know it today, survive?

And church leaders are asking every day, “When will we open the church buildings again?”

Asking, “How will we re-open? What if we re-open too soon?”

Many church leaders are sounding like 5-year-old children who have lost their favorite toy. Seriously, that’s how church leaders sound to me.

Church leaders, hear this. There are more important issues than your building.

“You haven’t lost anything. Someone moved your cheese. That’s all.”

You just need to find your cheese. And take better care of your cheese when you find it. So you don’t lose it again.

And keep asking, “COVID-19? What does this make possible?”

Let me tell you about a church leader whose church used to meet inside a school building. And by law this church can not meet inside of the school yet.

This agile church leader instead asks, “What does this make possible?”

Of course, let’s have our small groups meet via ZOOM. That’s a quick and easy and simple solution. Just learn ZOOM and quickly learn how to be good using it.

But what about gathering physically?

So this agile leader got permission from the school to do something different.

Here’s this agile church leader thinking differently. . .

Let’s organize a “Walk and Pray” around the high school track. Why not? And at the end of the 30 minute walk, let’s gather together and pray together.

Let’s talk together. Laugh together. All the while following the mandated physical distancing.

Do you see how this works? How it fits families and lifestyles? And the positive results?

Walking is outside and healthy. Walking around the track helps us to gather. And just talk and laugh. Walking gets some little people (and guys) away from the video screens. Walking is good for God’s Body – corporately and individually.

Keep asking, “COVID-19? What does this make possible?”

Let’s carry this one step further.

Why not organize different “Walking and Talking” groups at different times using tools provided by Facebook.

You could organize three groups per day for seven days. All of this organizing could be done in hours on Facebook with a simple registration process.

Via this process, you could accommodate more than 1,000 people (as a Facebook Group titled “Walk with Purpose”) in one week. If my math is correct?

You have all the tools you need. The only missing tool is your current thinking.

The needed change is to think like an agile leader.

Here’s a link to how an agile leader thinks.

Tap here to listen.

You did not lose your cheese. You did not lose your church.

Your church just moved and looks different.

Think like an agile leader. And organize a “Walk with Purpose” around the high school track.

Change? Chaos? Closed buildings?

Ask, “What does this make possible?”

And think like an agile leader.

Click the link.