take your life back

Detoxify your life in 2018. In four simple steps.

detoxify your life in 2018.

in four simple steps.

here they are. four simple steps.

and it takes just four minutes to read.

4 steps to detoxify your life in 2018

so put on your hazmat suit. and let’s go.

be the guy behind the mask.

now detOx your life.

in four simple steps 

(1)  de = delete toxic people.

(2)  t   = ten more minutes of exercise.

(3)  O = Original. become the Original you again.

(4)  x  = the “X” factor that winners use.

(1)  detox | de = delete toxic people

detox by deleting toxic people. simple. but not easy. you will need to exit some of your toxic friends who bring that unwanted drama to your life.

delete the drama on facebook (and other social media). delete the crazy and loud friends on your social media. delete the crazy political rants and links and liked pages. this is directly within your control.

this week i deleted 41 unwanted, unsolicited groups from my facebook page. it felt so good. 

delete toxic friends. and delete people who do not support your value system. you don’t owe anything to them. you don’t have to listen to them.

you are worth it

  • love yourself.
  • delete toxic friends.
  • you’re worth it.

avoid the anger. stop the drama before it starts. avoid the depression that comes after those resentments. delete toxic people.

delete, delete. and delete some more.

delete those people who take you to places you do not want to go. including physical places, bad places in your mind, emotional places that you don’t want to visit. you get the idea.

these toxic people are emotional black holes for you. delete them.

if your friends do not support your goals and core values, delete them. delete these toxic people from your life. simple, not easy.

you will sleep better. 

delete toxic friends. this is within your control. and is a tremendous time-saver for you. this frees time for you. this creates some positive mental (and spiritual) space for you. and you will sleep much better.

(2)  detox | t = ten more minutes of exercise

add just ten minutes of exercise to your life every day. studies show this has health and emotional benefits.

a recent study showed “adding 10 minutes of mall-pace striding per day resulted in significantly improved heart strength and general fitness. then it becomes easier to increase your workout time and improve your physical fitness.

I do this by using my fitbit. the alarm sounds 10 minutes before the hour every hour between 6:00 a.m. and noon. so I get more than “ten minutes more.” adding ten minutes of exercise every day detoxifies your physical body.

you’re worth it

focus on the one thing - the process

  • love yourself.
  • add ten minutes of exercise.
  • you’re worth it.

(3)  detOx | O = original

become the Original you again.

discover the Original you again by creating some new habits (not resolutions, not goals) and dropping those bad habits.

let’s start with your “fat” screen. I call it the “fat” screen (and not the flat screen) because this “fat” screen is where you and your family get fat.

drop your addictive binges. 

Kindergarten is the most important year of life.

detoxify yourself from your addictive binges. to find the Original you, drop those bad habits. like your addictive Netflix binges (zombie movies, house of cards), Facebook binges.

and running down “rabbit holes” chasing those “click bait” articles on your phone.

and drop all of those hours playing that NBA game. or Call of Duty, Doom, or whatever game.

you sit in front of your “fat” screen, eat, binge, and train your children to do the same. we all do too much of this. time wasted in front of some electronic device. turning your mind and body into jello.

watch a few minutes (3:24) of fit-LESS humans (Pixar WALL-E). and see for yourself. what “fat screens” are doing to you. your “fat screens” are killing you.

  • love yourself enough.
  • love your children enough.
  • replace your “fat” screen binges with something worthy of you.
  • you’re worth it.

replace this “fat screen” time…

…with TEDTalks. something that will feed your mind and your soul. something that is worthy of you and will challenge you.

listen and learn from the thought leaders of the world.

I asking you: what “zombie principle” learned from watching NetFlix  (Walking Dead) have you used this week in your business or raising children?

TEDTalk and Walk

start a habit of watching  (listening to) TEDTalks and some valuable documentaries on Netflix, amazon video, or other video service.

here’s an idea called TEDTalk and Walk. listen to TEDTalks on your phone while you’re walking. and getting your ten more minutes of exercise. 

you are in control

this is your choice to detoxify your brain. all within your direct control. simple, but not easy. but you’re reading this because you want to change.

you want to re-discover you. the Original you. the Original you that your creator wants you to be. not some one else’s version of you created by your “fat screen” binges.

you are worth it

I understand the pain in changing. this is a painful change for me, too. let me be your guide, and your fellow journeyer – walking beside you.

share this with a friend and make this change together.

your children and your grandchildren (nieces and nephews) deserve a better you. and an Original you. you deserve this. you’re worth the change.

(4)  detoX | X = the “X” factor that winners use.

= the “X” factor.

detox the internal you by hiring a spiritual coach.

find a real hard-nosed spiritual trainer. a trainer that will not tolerate your whining. not a “comfort dog” spiritual trainer that promises you a safe place when you’re under stress. but someone who can move you forward spiritually.

someone who has the courage (and someone you allow to) let you see the real you. someone who allows you to feel the pain. and show you some ugly truths about your life.

love yourself. enough. get the “X” factor.

how's your brand image

you’re worth it.

if you really want to detoxify your life, you will find a spiritual trainer. this is the “X” factor that people at the top of their game have.

everyone that I respect is using this “X” factor.

and you can complement your “X” factor with a phone app that provides spiritual resources. and while you’re at it. delete some of those other time-wasting game apps on your phone. if you want to detoxify your life in 2018.

get the “X” factor. detoxify your life in 2018.

DETOX in 2018 with four simple steps.

(1)  de = delete toxic people.

(2)  t   = ten more minutes of exercise.

(3)  O = Original. become the Original you again.

(4)  x  = the “X” factor that winners use.

you’re worth it. 

love yourself. enough. 

detox in 2018.

you’re worth it.

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