file your 2016 taxes early

3 Great Reasons to File Your Income Taxes Early

here are 3 great financial reasons

to file your income taxes early

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You deserve to …

  1. … to get this task off your mind (read more)
  2. … to get a fast refund (more)
  3. … to get extra time (more)
  4. … to get important financial information (more)

1.) You DESERVE to get this task off your mind.

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Wait, you clicked on this link for tax info. And now you’re talking to America’s Grumpiest Grandpa ?

What’s up ? Hey, I’m NOT your CPA; but here’s what I am. 

This old man has spent more than five decades in the business world. The majority of my corporate experience has been as an investment advisor with a major Wall Street firm. And during my corporate career:

  • I earned my MBA in Accountancy at age 57,
  • I taught Computerized Accounting at the University level, and
  • I became registered ( P T I N ) with the IRS to prepare U.S. Federal Tax Returns.

So let’s talk straight. Let’s talk about your taxes.

Now. Let’s start again with the MAJOR reason to file your 2015 income taxes early. 

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You deserve to get this task off of your mind.

1.) You DESERVE to get this task off your mind.

You deserve this freedom.

Not many people talk about this point. Just get it OFF OF YOUR MIND. File your taxes early to set your mind FREE for more productive and fun reasons.

It doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes. Watch video.

But it does take genius tax software. Designed to be so simple that your kids could do your taxes for you. Now that’s genius.

Do your 2015 income taxes early.

You deserve the freedom, the peace of mind. 

You are worth it. 

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You know how an undone task – like filing your income taxes – creates MENTAL CLUTTER. Mental clutter that is constantly nagging in your head. Clogging your brain with unnecessary background noise. This nagging unfinished task sucks all the energy out of you.

And the closer you get to that important deadline of April 15th – the more distracting this undone task becomes. The louder the nagging background noise becomes.

And if you’re like me – just STARTING relieves a lot of emotional pressure. Just getting this done TRUMPS ALL of the other solid financial reasons for filing early.

Take it from someone who has filed personal income tax returns for more than 40 years. Do it now. File your income taxes early.

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Do NOT procrastinate. Do it now.

And, hey, it doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes

Procrastination kills your spirit.

The best reason to file early is – “PIECE” OF MIND. Yes, “piece” of mind, not peace of mind.

Get back a piece of your mind by doing your taxes early. 

And have peace of mind.

Get all of the pieces of your mind FOCUSED on more FUN and PRODUCTIVE matters. So you can live your life and NOT be thinking about your taxes.

If ya wanna get started now. Click here – now.

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File your taxes early. Start now.
Start now. It doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes.

2.) You will get a FASTER REFUND…

… by doing your income taxes early.

A real “duh” financial reason. If the government owes you a return on taxes you have paid, file early and get this money WORKING for you – or “PLAYING” for you. Plan that SPECIAL vacation. Early.

Plan that special vacation – that  escape to the islands.

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Get extra time to pay that balance due.

3.) You will get EXTRA TIME to pay a balance due…

… by doing your income taxes early.

Ugh ! And if you owe a balance due to the IRS, then you know that final number today. Not tomorrow. So you can plan – or make arrangements to pay the IRS.

Know this number in advance so that you are NOT STRESSING unnecessarily.

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It doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes. Click here for help

4.) You will get IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION needed for other purposes…

… by doing your income taxes early.

Purchasing a home or returning to college ? There is information on your 1040 that you or your children need to apply for a student loan.

And prospective home buyers often need to show a COMPLETED TAX RETURN as proof of household income.

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You deserve PEACE of mind. And a new pair of shoes

Again the MOST IMPORTANT reason …

… to file your income taxes early is (#1) to get it off of your mind.

Remember, it doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes. Click here to start

Clean your mental closet of this clutter to make room for more productive and fun thinking. YOU DESERVE IT.

It doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes.

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Save $20.00 when you

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