Pinewood Derby – five leSSons learned

five leSSons learned from a pinewOOd derby

five leSSons learned from a pinewOOd derby
5 ounces of fun and fury

(1) – glue is really important.

glue is always important. don’t go to a pinewOOd derby without glue. in fact, don’t leave home without glue. and, if ya live in missouri, take some masking tape, too. just don’t “high-five” your friends with super glue on your hands. don’t ask me how i learned this.

(2) – maybe graphite won’t help you win the race.

having graphite on you wheels sounds really cOOl. but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna win the race. but on second thought. yeah, graphite on your wheels is really important. because it just sounds cOOl. and sounding cOOl can be really important. at the pinewOOd derby. sometimes.

(3) – technology is great. until it isn’t.

technology is not always great. like when the high tech timing machine decides to quit. maybe it’s the software driver or the … ? (and more nerd talk) maybe after two hours of frustrating techno-agony, it’s time to use a pencil and a yellow pad and your eyeballs to time the races. just like your dad used to do.

(4) – weigh matters.

hey, weight does matter. but nothing more than 5 ounces.

and 5 ounces can be powerful. just 5 ounces can win a race. 

(5) – murphy’s law is everywhere 

murphy’s law really is EVERYwhere. murphy’s law does not play favorites. mr. murphy has no mercy. even at a pinewOOd derby.

mr. murphy can invite himself to even the best planned events.

isn’t it is amazing what you can learn at the pinewOOd derby?

five leSSons learned from a pinewOOd derby
having fun at pinewood derby

you can learn a lot at a pinewOOd derby.

(# 6) – a bonus leSSon

you can always have fun with a group of cub scouts.

if ya can’t have fun with cub scouts, then ya need to re-think your life.

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