great generation pledge of allegiance

great resources

here are some great resources for a great generation.

if you want something, and you don’t see it here.

please let us know. and we will find a resource for you.

[ under construction ]

patience - under construction
patience – bOOmer resources – under construction

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[**note – see below]

medicare – what to do?

child-cute-frown-kid-pout 400x300 px
how to appeal a Denial of Payment

coming soon

  • so you have already enrolled in medicare – i trust you chose wisely
  • how to appeal a “denial of payment” from your medicare provider
  • i’ll keep you informed as i walk through my first appeal of a denial of payment

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Daniel Jedi Squire is always in training
medicare guy is fighting for you


  • Treating the Great American Generation. Right !
  • With the respect you have earned.

[**note: insert a comment about “ask Alvin about Medicare dot com.” use #anchor link for this. have the link open right above an image. check how it appears on mobile devices. provide brief info about Medicare and dot gov links. with my brief story. and include a link to gmail – ask Alvin Weiss @]

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back to the Great Generation

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