great generation pledge of allegiance

who we are

we are a Great Generation. defined by our music.

yes, technically, we are that generation born between 1946 and 1964. we are tagged as the “baby boomers.” but that does not describe us.

as youngsters, we wore “I Like Ike” campaign buttons.

much later in our lives, we marched in the Freedom Marches. and anti-war demonstrations.

we were hippies and flower children. we were shot and killed at Kent State University. and we were the National Guard at Kent State University.

some of us were drafted and served in the viet nam war.

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we believed in our country

baby boomers viet nam war
we believed in our country

when ordered by our government, we went to Viet Nam at age 18 (or younger) . we felt patriotic.  and when we came back, our nation disgraced us and called us “baby killers.”

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we fought for our country

we believed. we fought. we died for our country.
we believed. we fought. we died for our country.

we believed.

we fought.

many of us did not return.

in viet nam, we were told that “agent orange” in  those orange barrels was just a “defoliant” sprayed on the jungle so that we could more easily see the enemy.

later. many of us developed testicular cancer. our government lied to us. again.

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the day that our leader was assassinated 

when JFK was assassinated. we remember exactly where we were. in what class. and who our teacher was in that classroom.

more than 50 years ago. we remember when our nation heard that JFK was assassinated. and we cried. for days.


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[ end of Who We Are blogpost ]

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