I couldn’t believe what I heard this morning on. . .

You won’t believe the huge mistake that a world class podcaster made this morning.

I look forward to listening to his podcasts. EVERY day.

I listen in spare moments while getting ready in the morning, and I listen in the kitchen while prepping meals.

He delivers value to my life. The value of what he and his guests offer is rich and deep and specific for my walk in life.

But his morning, his podcast STARTED with the EXTRO bumper – that little 6-second blurb at the end of a podcast that brands the podcast and says “thanks for listening and here’s where you can get more info about. . .”

The part that says “goodbye” was on the beginning of the podcast. I was confused. I restarted the podcast twice because I thought I was listening to the end of the previous podcast.

But regardless of an obvious error made by his tech team, I still listened to his new podcast episode. And the interview with his guest and the content was stellar. As always.

I did not discount the value of his “body of work” over many years because of one simple mistake. It was a simple and forgivable error.

Maybe it was even intentional just to illicit listeners’ comments. Maybe.

I learned two lessons.

(1) Every creator has time pressures. My favorite podcaster ships on time regardless. Even at the risk of making a mistake.

(2) I still value good content even when the content creator makes obvious mistakes.

So create what you need to create.

Deliver consistently.

When your audience appreciates your value, they will quickly forgive (even ignore) your mistakes.

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