I spent another boring morning at Walmart, but. . .

. . . but boring can be good.

No, boring is BEAUTIFUL. Let me explain.

This morning was another normal Monday morning at WalMart doing grocery shopping for my 93-year-old mother, Ms, Victoria. Also known as America’s Most Favorite 93-Year-Old Podcaster.

This morning was boring grocery shopping, walking down the same aisles in the same order, using almost the same list EVERYweek.

But it is a BEAUTIFUL, almost mindless event. Keeping routine tasks routine.

Not using any mental energy to get a weekly, routine task done. No reason to use any creative energy.

Actually shopping online at WalMart may be even better.

But my point is: I didn’t waste any of my valuable creative energy doing a routine task.

Just like your morning routine.

Why do you make unnecessary decisions in the morning?

Like what to wear, or what time to get out of bed, fighting the snooze button, or packing your backpack and computer in the morning.

When you are making unique decisions EVERY morning for doing routine tasks, you are wasting creative energy. And you may reach a point of decision fatigue early in your morning.

Just keep routine tasks – routine.

And mindless. Like getting out of bed at the same time EVERY morning at 5:15 a.m. Like having a routine for your spiritual time and thoughts to embed them in your brain.

So you can pray and meditate during your morning run. Be on the street / track / whatever / running at 5:25 a.m. At the same time EVERY morning.

All done in a seamless routine.

Showered and ready to rule the world by 6:30 a.m. at the coffee shop with your laptop.

And by 6:30 a.m. your brain is already programmed for creating content? Or working your social media properties to promote your business / church / organization? Writing your daily blog?

Whatever your normal work routine is.

Then you are free to create and think without being hampered by decision fatigue. Thanks to some pre-planned boring routines.

No decision-making in the morning. Before you start your creative work.

Starting your day with routine habits that you have chosen to daily create that physically and spiritually fit person you want to be.

And using routines to free your brain for creating and thinking.

And not using any energy to make daily routine decisions that could be made in advance.

Then your brain is available at full capacity to do your core tasks that require clear thinking and mental energy. During the sweet spot of creatively and production early in your day.

Because you haven’t wasted any of your superpowers on something as routine as grocery shopping or deciding what time to get out of bed or what to wear.

Use routines to the max like high performers do.

And save your creative energy for important tasks like high performers do.

That why we call them high performers.

Success leaves clues.

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