Is the Game Still Winnable for . . .?

Is the game still winnable for me?

Important question to answer.

A better question is, “Where do I start?”

Where do YOU start?

The fact that you asked the question, “Is the game still winnable for me?” tells me that you are still in the game.

And you still have the desire to win.

When you ask that question, you may be at the end of your rope. . .

. . . but you still have a glimmer of hope.

So, yes, the game is still winnable for you.

Ask, “Where do I start?”

Start with A QUICK and EASY WIN

Start by defining the game. What game do you want to win?

Then create a small, achievable, quick and easy win.


For example, want to write that book? Finally?

Start by writing just 100 words. Today.

Write in a notebook. Write in Microsoft Word.

Write in One Note on your phone. Anywhere. Just start writing today.

You don’t know what to write? Just start writing. . .

Write “I don’t know what to write. I really don’t know what to write. But I’m gonna write anyway.”

And keep going until you have your first one hundred words written.

And then write 100 words tomorrow. And again.

Just start today. To get back in the game.


Start today. Walk around the block.

Tomorrow walk around the block plus one mailbox.

The next day. Do the same plus TWO (2) mailboxes.

The game is winnable. Get back in the game.

And the first step is to answer the question, “Where do I start?”

Then start. Now.

Right here. And right now.

Nothing matters today EXCEPT. . .


Wait. There’s ONE MORE thing.


Celebrate the mini-victory of starting.

Celebrate that mini-win by . . .?

My NEW Mouse Pad?

Recently I was stuck on a goal and got unstuck with a mini-win.

I celebrated with a mini-reward.

A new mouse pad. Don’t laugh.

From Amazon Prime for $4.79.

My new upgraded mouse pad is a daily, minute-by-minute reminder of my mini-win.

Does this seem ridiculous to you?

It’s not. It works.


It was my mini-win with a mini-celebration.


Quick Review

Three Simple Steps.

(1) – Create a Mini-Game to Win.

(2) – Win that Mini-Game.

(3) – Celebrate with a Mini-Reward.

Start Stacking

Then start stacking these mini-wins on top of each other.

It works.

Right now I’m admiring my NEW mouse pad.

And feeling gOOd.