Last Night I Killed. . .

Last night I killed my morning routine because I was seduced by a video at 9:00 p.m.

I hate when this happens. Hate is a strong word for me, but I do hate when this happens.

What I mean is – I was walking through my evening routine which says no screen time after 9:00 p.m.

Per my health coach, no screen time after a certain time allows for better sleep.

Easy to say, but difficult to do.

And you know that this is difficult to do because most of us check our phones the LAST thing before bedtime and the FIRST thing in the morning.

And most of us know that performance coaches recommend exactly the opposite.

But we do it anyway out of habit.

Back to last night when I killed my morning routine because I was seduced by a video at 9:00 p.m.

I saw what I was doing as it was happening. (And I wanted to stop.) But I found an interesting video on Amazon Prime Video.

I promised myself I will only watch it for 30 minutes. Then 90 minutes later I am still watching it. And I am wide awake past a reasonable bed time.

And I know that I have just killed my morning routine.

I have made my morning routine difficult. I bust my morning routine by being tired and moving slowly. I am one hour late already BEFORE the day has started. And moving slowly.

Solution: screens out of the bedroom.

Start with your phone and your tablet.

Leave your phone (and your tablet / iPad) in the kitchen on their chargers.

And smash the OFF button on those devices. OFF ALL NIGHT LONG.

So you don’t hear the “pings and dings” all night long. And learn how to disable notifications. Another simple way to control your life.

Limit the “pings and dings” in your life.

You take control of your life instead of your phone and other people controlling your life.

Buy a $10.00 (less than $10.00 for mine) alarm clock for your bedroom. That’s your new alarm system now. NOT your phone.

And take control of your evening routine, your sleep and your morning routine.

It’s sad but many people do not realize that they destroy their morning routine and productivity because that late-night video destroyed their evening routine and their sleep.

It’s time to take control of your life.

Instead of video binging and those annoying “pings and dings.”