you're paying too much to have your taxes prepared

You’re Paying Too Much to Have Your Taxes Prepared

You’re paying TOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared.

Watch this 10 second video to see how easy it is to do your own taxes.

YES, you ARE paying tOO much!!!

Let me tell you a true story about a friend of mine. And her taxes.

Well, this friend of mine from Panera Bread — a real person who chooses to remain un-named — told me about an attempt…

My friend visited her potential tax preparer with JUST THREE simple pieces of tax information:

  • her Social Security Income (Form SSA-1099),
  • her Pension Income, and
  • interest earned from her bank (Form 1099 INT).

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You're paying tOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared
you’re paying tOO much to have your taxes prepared

After inputting her information, her tax preparer informed her that the cost to prepare and file her federal tax return was: $274.00

Yikes !!! The cost was $274.00 for inputting …

  • JUST
  • PIECES of
  • income information
  • PLUS her name, address and social security number.

This tax preparer works for a reputable firm…

BUT the services rendered DO NOT JUSTIFY the preparation cost of $274.00 ! For inputting information from just three (3) tax forms.

This incident is sad, very sad.

And is repeated thousands of times every day.

This happens all across our nation.

This is common practice at the Big Box stores who prepare income taxes.

Unfortunately, the tax preparer does not have any flexibility regrading the fee. And each piece of financial information may generate multiple tax forms. And each form costs you an additional fee.

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I used to be a PTIN tax preparer – you should do your own taxes

My moment of truth: I used to be one of these registered tax return preparers with a PTIN. I wanted to help people prepare their tax returns and to earn some extra income during the tax season.

Until, after months of training, I actually started preparing some tax returns. I didn’t last very long. (Maybe I completed eight or so tax returns. But I felt like I was scamming uninformed people.)

The last tax return that I completed, the young lady saw her tax return and the fee for services and asked me, “What should I do?”

I asked her, “Do you own a computer?”

“Of course,” she replied.

Then I whispered to her, “Go home. Download an online tax prep program. I prefer TurboTax. And do your own tax return. It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Do your taxes yourself. Save yourself several hundred dollars.”

I just couldn’t lie. Of course, I resigned that day. Because I could not promote something that I would not use myself. Nor could I recommend this paid tax preparation service to my friends who had basic computer skills. Not at those fees.

I was just not offering enough value to justify those tax preparation fees. I was just putting numbers in a computer program. That my customers could do themselves.

Especially when a person has other reasonable choices. 

I remember a different time.

When I was younger, my parents had a business and used a paid tax preparer which was necessary and appropriate during that time with no access to computers and tax software.

Our family had no other reasonable choice but to use a paid tax preparer. But today is much, much different.

You have several different choices to download online tax preparation software. And to do your own taxes.

Unless your financial and tax situation is complicated, you should do your own taxes. It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes. Not anymore.

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Back to my friend at Panera Bread… 

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it doesn’t take a genius to do your taxes – just the right software 

Back to my friend’s story at Panera Bread. And her $274.00 tax preparation fee.

I explained this to her.

“The tax preparing firms charge a fee for EACH tax form that is generated. Remember, EACH PIECE of your tax information may create SEVERAL DIFFERENT tax forms. Then their tax software generates the total tax prep fee automatically.

So the average tax payer is at the mercy of the tax firm and the fees that their tax software generates.”

That’s why you see so many articles like – 3 Reasons Why You Should NOT File Your Taxes at Walmart.

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You’re paying TOO MUCH to have your taxes prepared.

There is a simple solution.

There is a MUCH BETTER way. Which is…

If you can put simple data into a computer,

you should do your own taxes

It doesn’t take a genius to do your own taxes.

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you're paying too much to have your taxes prepared
ya know – you’re paying too much to have your taxes prepared

Here’s ALL that you need:

Watch this 10 second video to see how easy it is.

You are paying too much to have your taxes prepared.

Not anymore. Click here.

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Or save $20 here.

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Filing Your Income Taxes

Get this job done so that you can be doing the really important things in life like:

loving and laughing

with the ones who matter most 

fun things to do with your kids

file your taxes today because

you have more important things to do

play is the BEST learning tool. EVER

so that you can love and laugh

with the ones who matter most

fun things for kids to do

you do have more important things to do

fun things for kids to do

like climb a BIG SCARY TREE

with your son

This is Lucas climbing a BIG SCARY tree.

love and laugh

with the ones who matter most

because no one ever reminisces about the Friday that they worked late

focus on the important things

Have a meSSy Christmas. Just say NO to Pinterest-Perfect.

with the ones who maTTer most 

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Filing Your Income Taxes

Start now. Get started today.

Right here. Right nowClick here.

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