play is the BEST learning tool. EVER

Play Is the Best Learning Tool. EVER.

Play is the BEST learning tool. EVER.

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Every Child Wants to be a SUPER HERO
Play is the ultimate SUPER HERO WEAPON for learning.

Play is the ultimate SUPER HERO WEAPON for learning.

Play is the BEST learning tool for …

… for children of ALL ages – even adults in the workplace.

Look at the recent research on adult play and gamification.

Hey ! Just WATCH your children PLAY ! Play is a child’s work !

This is what the experts say:

  • Play is the NATURAL VEHICLE for learning in children.
  • When children play; they learn social, motor and cognitive skills.
  • When children play, they learn creative solutions.
  • When children are stressed, it is very hard to learn. So let’s play.
  • When the anxiety is gone, learning can happen. 
  • Learning through play is highly effective.
  • Play and games can be a great tool for learning.

Play is the best learning tool …

  • for children,
  • for you and me.

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Play is the BEST learning tool.
Play is the BEST learning tool. EVER.

This information has been confirmed after a 30 year study

  • Watch children play.
  • They celebrate every win as if it is an EPIC WIN.
  • And play is even more fun when adults do NOT interfere and
  • DO NOT keep score of their mistakes.

Watch children playing MineCraft. A recent independent study confirmed that children love the CREATIVE PLAY of MineCraft with NO ADULT INTERFERENCE

Watch children of ALL ages …

… when they are practicing their newest skateboard move. They do it again and again AND AGAIN until they get it right. Then – after a little success – comes the EPIC – CELEBRATION – DANCE.

A-r-r-r-gh !! Celebrate every victory. Like a pirate.

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Celebrate EVERY victory. Like a pirate.
Celebrate EVERY victory. Like a pirate.

Watch children practice any game – basketball, soccer, a video game – they play until they “get it right.”

Children DO NOT QUIT when learning is a game.

Play is the work of childhood.

Children play until they succeed. Children do NOT watch the clock when they are playing.

How many times have you asked your child to stop playing a video game — after 2 hours of non-stop play ?

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don’t EVER miss any cool stuff again

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But mom. I just started. 

And they tell you, “But mom, I just started.” After 2 hours of playing !!! Children are unaware of time when they are playing and having fun.

Play is the best learning tool. EVER. 

And celebration is a part of that play. It’s a healthy expression of fun. Here’s a great FAN CELEBRATION DANCE. Watch it and enjoy the next 2 minutes!

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Why NOT intentionally create a learning environment that uses play and victory dances that CELEBRATE EPIC WINS ?

Why not have a great Celebration Dance after studying spelling and math and social studies ?

We celebrate every day after school.

Read how we study like a Jedi Rebel to learn more.

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Celebrate EVERY victory.
Celebrate EVERY victory. Why not ? We do. 

Daniel, age 5, and Lucas, age 9, read and do homework in the SAME PLACE and at the SAME TIME every day.

We celebrate almost every success; and at the end of the study session, Lucas, the older brother, teaches Daniel how to read in a special big-brother mentoring time. Both boys win during this time.

Then we celebrate with high fives ! And epic dances with our most creative and energized moves ! Why not ?

The result: Daniel learns how to read. And Lucas learns some patience AND learns how to teach a valuable skill. What a joy ! What a DOUBLE EPIC WIN !

An EPIC win that will have positive results the rest of their lives. 

This daily study event takes some planning and is an intentional planned event focused on creating successes and celebration dances.

So if play is a great learning tool …

… and celebration is part of that play, why not use these tools intentionally ?

Why not plan “play” and “celebration” into every learning event ?

Why not have a victory dance or a celebration routine planned and intentional ? And why not use celebration frequently to enjoy the wins ?

And make every win an EPIC WIN. As a parent, you get to choose.

You say this takes too much time …

… and does not fit into your mindset of being a productive and efficient adult role model.

Let me ask you, Is what you’re doing now working for your children ?”

Are they enjoying learning or just getting their homework done ?

Well, then. It’s time for a change.

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Choose to change. And your children will follow.
change and they will foLLow. but you MUST CHooSE to change

This works for us. Yes, celebration takes time, but the learning curve is ALWAYS SHORTENED for us because we have fun and we celebrate.

I challenge you to make some intentional changes in your homework routine. If you need some ideas, look here for some ideas — Revenge of the Jedi Rebel.

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Celebrate EPIC WINS

Celebrating EPIC WINS is a great learning tool.

Do you remember your school day ?

Do you remember those days when you brought home a paper with a score of 97 %. That’s 97 correct answers out of 100 possible questions. I remember.

I remember. I arrived at home PROUD and EMPOWERED and feeling like a SUPER HERO. With a 97 % . An EPIC WIN until…

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Focus on his wins. Not his wrong answers.
Focus on his wins. Not his wrong answers.

… the adult in charge IMMEDIATELY looked at the 3 RED X MARKS and commented, “Why did you miss these 3 ? I know you know the answer to these 3 questions.”

You studied hard, and you had an EPIC WIN; but where is the joy and the fun and the celebration now ?

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Don’t Ruin an Epic Win

Celebrate EVERY victory.
Celebrate E-V-E-R-Y victory

An EPIC WIN becomes an Epic Failure; because you are reminded that you missed 3 questions.

And all you heard in your mind was, “You’re NOT GOOD ENOUGH. You still missed 3 questions.” And you forget that you did get 97 right.

And the adult in charge (dad | mom) just turned a MAJOR WIN into a reminder that you are NEVER GOOD ENOUGH.

And your young child gets to hear that negative message in their mind the rest of their life – no exaggeration ! Read the research.

I hope you’re NOT doing the same thing with your children.

Instead celebrate EVERY EVENT

…with a hashtag selfie. Why not ?

Tweet your wins. Facebook your wins with selfies. And, to your child, make every WIN an EPIC WIN.

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Celebrate with a HASHTAG SELFIE.
Celebrate with a HASHTAG SELFIE. Make EVERY win an EPIC WIN. 

You get to choose – to celebrate.

Celebrate the wins. ALL of the wins.

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As a parent, you now get to CHOOSE TO CHANGE the homework routine for your children – INTENTIONALLY and with a CLEAR PURPOSE.

You get to break the cycle of negativity.

Every kid wants to be a SUPER HERO  – at least for a moment.


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Children of ALL ages love to celebrate.
Children of ALL ages love to celebrate. 

And then CELEBRATE some more.

Even big kids like to  wear super hero capes and celebrate.

Next time I’ll tell you about our M&M routine of celebrating.

It works. It really does.

M&M Learning is Kid-Tested and Grandpa-Approved.

It doesn’t get any better than celebrating with M&Ms. 

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I dare you to…

I dare you to make learning fun.
I dare you to make learning fun. 

It works. It really does.

  • Celebrate your wins. With your children.
  • And then try some Celebration Dances with your team at work.
  • Why not ? Share the fun.

After all, play IS the best learning tool. 

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so you don’t miss any KooL stuFF

Have a meSSy Christmas. Just say NO to Pinterest-Perfect.


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