Tag Archives: Nelson Mandela

Selfies Gonna Kill Ya ! ! !

Selfies gonna kill ya – sooner or later.

No doubt that we are living in the year of – no, the DECADE of the “selfie.”

 Selfies come in many different varieties:

  • the “best friends”selfie,
  • the “at the bar” selfie,
  • the “at the beach” selfie,
  • the “lots of cleavage” selfie,
  • the “new car / new house / new girl friend” selfie,
  • and the ultimate “death by selfie.” Click here for video.

Obsessed With Your Own Reflection ?

Greek mythology would call this an “obsession with our own reflection” based on Narcissus, a character in Greek mythology who became obsessed with his own reflection. Narcissus was renowned for his pride and drowned while trying to reach his own reflection in a pool.

Political Suicide Selfie

Then there is the political suicide by selfie by USA’s “Selfie-in-Chief.”

Obama Selfie at Nelson Mandela's Memorial
Obama Selfie at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial

Like it or not, you are living in the Decade of the Selfie.

Just remember the first celebrity selfie did not end well. Narcissus drowned while trying to reach his own reflection in a pool.

That’s where we get the word narcissism.