What happens when your computer gets wonkie?

When my computer gets wonkie, I get frustrated. I say some things. Some stupid, angry things.

But then I hear a voice that says. “If I called my friend, that geek friend, what would she say?”

That’s right. Ask, “What would my geek friend say to do?”

That geek friend would say.


Just REBOOT that computer BEFORE you throw your mental tantrum.

I’ve had this experience many times. My computer starts moving slowly. The screen starts freezing. And the speed is painfully slow.

Just REBOOT that techno thing. Before you smack the screen.

This doesn’t always fix everything. But often this does fix the “slow and freezing action.” And rebooting gives me a small break – a brief and needed pause from my anger – from my impatient insanity.

Why not treat yourself to a personal reboot today? Even more than once today?

What does a personal reboot look like?

It looks like this.

Write, study, work for 50 minutes. Then go outside for a 10 minute walk. Just do it.

I just did.

You’ll get more done in the next 50 minutes. Instead of just grinding and grinding some more. How about a quick personal reboot?

Give yourself the gift of rebooting several times today.

Take care of your inner mental chips before they get fried.

Refresh your OS (Operating System) with a quick personal reboot.

Reboot. And reboot often.

It’s quick and easy.

And it works.

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