What Is Five Billion?

What is 5 Billion? A bunch. It’s a bunch of anything.

It’s also an important and relevant number to you.

The number of people who own mobile phones is 5.28 Billion.

The total number of people in the world is 7.8 Billion.

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Where WE Connect and Encourage

Mobile phones are where most of the people in the world gather and meet, connect and encourage each other.

The mobile phone is today’s meeting place and market place.

It is where we meet and gather, connect and encourage.

The mobile phone is where we are – all 5.28 Billion of us. Most of the day. And most of the night.

You already knew this. So what’s the point?

It is the easiest and fastest way for us to meet.

In the USA, our phone is within three feet of us for 24 hours per day.

At night. On holidays. On weekends.

That’s true for 97% of us in the USA. It’s the “three foot rule.”

Your EVERY thing Device

Your phone is your alarm. It is your music system when you are in the shower.

It is your podcast system when you are walking.

It’s your best friend when you are in the kitchen cooking.

It’s your navigation system in your car.

Your phone is where you live socially.

Your phone is where you see pictures of your granchildren.

Missed a BIG Moment. Oh no!

It’s where you saw your 12-year-old granddaughter score that game-winning goal on Saturday.

The ONLY girl on a competitive traveling team.

And you got to see her score that winning goal thanks to your mobile device.

And you got to connect with her after the championship game.

Without this device, you would have missed that moment.

Where We Meet and Gather

The mobile phone is where we meet and gather.

The mobile phone is where you celebrated your nephew’s high school graduation.

During the chaos of 2020, many organizations have suffered.

Others who recognized earlier that we are a “mobile device world” have walked victoriously through the decade of chaos called 2020 – the toilet paper pandemic in the USA.

Other organizations and entrepreneurs who recognized that we are a mobile-connected world have embraced 2020 almost seamlessly.

And have grown. With some growing pains. But many organizations have grown during 2020.

Here’s ONE tip. . .

. . . for those organizations and individuals who want to grow and not be left behind.

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ALL of Your Content needs to be created to be Consumed on a Mobile Device.

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Create ALL of your content to be viewed and consumed on a mobile device.

For example, write your emails and blog posts on your laptop.

But when editing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd draft – read it from your mobile device.

Does your content read fast enough that it can be consumed while someone is walking, running, or waiting in a car line to pick up their food order?

Are the images and headlines compelling enough to grab my attention in a NEW YORK NANOSECOND?

Are there enough white spaces and bolded headlines to make your content scannable?

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Your Readers are Scanners

Remember, your readers are not readers anymore.

They are scanners.

Design ALL of your CONTENT for my mobile device.

The mobile device is where we meet and gather, connect and encourage.

At least, that’s where 5.28 Billion of us meet and gather.