Wordz4U [002]

Here are the Wordz4U to FOLLOW today.

Specially designed for reading while you’re in the car line

  • at school,
  • at the bank, and
  • at Panera Bread.

Learn a leSSon from the ANTS.

  • Look at the ant
  • Let the ant teach you a thing or two
  • All suMMer the ant stores fOOd for winter
  • At the harvest the ant stockpiles provisions
file your taxes early
How’s your focus and passion today ? Face your FEARS !!!

And what NOT TO DO …

  • Take a nap here and there.
  • Take a day off here and there.
  • Sit back and take it easy.
  • Play a video game.
  • Watch a NetFlix movie.

And what comes next ?

  • A dirt-poor life
  • Poverty

And QUESTIONS 4 U to ask today?

  • What can you learn from the ants today ?
  • What is your biggest time-waster ?
  • Video games ?
  • NetFlix ?
  • Facebook ?
  • Office gossip ?

Check your focus and your work habits.

Based on Proverbs 06 from YouVersion !!!

Go here too …

… for more car line reading. 

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